Yet another global warming nut job flying all over the place to blabber about global warming and how the rest of us shouldn’t fly all over the place because it’s bad for the planet.

So in a sense, Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX (and chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) is just like John Kerry.
Well, maybe if Kerry were two feet shorter, had a lot less money, lived with his mom and was attracted to men. But other than that, the point holds: he’s a fucking hypocrite.
Gee Comrade, what about that carbon footprint you left flying 2,000 miles to Seattle and 2,000 miles back again? According to one of those gay carbon calculators I just found online, you are responsible for 1,220 pounds of CO2 being emitted….

I can’t decide if Comrade Clayton is stupid enough to go online and purchase “carbon offsets” from some scammer like Al Gore to assuage his liberal guilt. On the other hand, he’d have to ask mom for the money and she might not go for that level of insanity.
You’re telling me that SEATTLE, of all places, doesn’t have enough useless commie parasites to run around screaming about global warming? They need to import some fupa sloth from Texas who knows nothing about international trade, economics, or energy policy and who lives with his mom at age 32?
Yeah right.
Or MAYBE (more likely) he did what he got so angry at Ted Cruz for doing in February of 2021: ran away from this heat and drought like a pussy and went to cooler climes. I wonder who ran the “ranch” for the entire time he was gone. I guess mom put water in a trough for the 18 goats. Must be a rough job he has “ranching” if a 60-year-old lady can do it for him while he’s away.
See, when TED (who represents us at the federal level – NOT the state level) “runs away” to Cancun, he’s a coward and shirking his duties – even though there was absolutely nothing Ted Cruz could do about a 100-year freeze. I sure didn’t expect him to keep my water well thawed or my fireplace filled with wood. Because I am not a pussy who relies on government to do everything for me.
But when CLAYTON runs away to Seattle and ignores HIS PERSONAL (supposedly) goats and donkeys and other “critters” and his mom has to go out and do his chores for him, that is just fine. No problem with that.
See how it works??
So the question is: hypocrite or pussy? I’m going to go with “both.”