Whoops! I Forgot About The Five-Year Anniversary Of The Ransomware Attack That Halted Our City And Cost A Small Fortune!

This week marks the five-year anniversary of the Great Ransomware Attack of 2019.

Lampasas Targeted in Ransomware Attack

In case you forgot, that was the ransomware attack that brought the City technology infrastructure to a standstill for 10 days or so. I was one of the first to break the story. Here are some headlines as a reminder:

Lampasas City Offices Go Offline On Exact Same Day as Texas Ransomware Attacks…Hmmmmmm

Ransomware Attack Confirmed By City

The Finley-Spin Begins. Here is a TRUE Ransomware Timeline

City Attorney Stonewalls My Request For Ransomware Attack Details.

Monica Can’t-Wright Requests $6,216.36 In Emergency Funds for Computers Ruined in Ransomware Attack

Another $30,388 Requested For Computers and Servers Ruined in Ransomware Attack – New Total Damage at $36,604

Monica Requested $6,216 To Replace Computer Equipment Ruined in Ransomware Attack…Ends Up Spending $9,539

What happened after that?

#1 – the City NEVER explained how it happened. I actually sat down with the City manager a few weeks afterwards and was told “we can’t talk about it as the FBI is investigating.” Four years later, the investigation is long over but Mayor Talbert and City Manager DeGraffenreid never publicly commented on how it happened. NOBODY was held responsible. Talk about job security!

#2 – Tens of thousands of dollars of equipment were rendered inoperable. Not only was nobody held responsible for the attack, Mayor Talbert THANKED the two IT employees (who are most responsible for the entire disaster) for “working hard” during the crisis.

#3 – IT Director Monica Wright (who holds no network certifications) who has polished that seat for 18 years now (salary and benefits over $116,000) and the “network administrator” Kristy Acevedo were not only NOT fired or publicly lambasted, they were THANKED by Misti Talbert. They both still have their jobs to this day and have had their salaries/benefits INCREASED 23% over the following 4 years (from $180,000 to $222,000) – and the IT Department budget has been increased 47% from $301,000 to $441,000.

Zero consequences for that massive blunder. This is what is known as “job security” in the government sector.

In the old days, if you worked for the government, the pay wasn’t that great but you got really good benefits AND you basically couldn’t be fired. NOW, however, you get all three: extremely high pay, very good benefits AND it is impossible for you to be fired…even if you leave the barn door open to a massive ransomware attack that cost the taxpayer tens of thousands of dollars in wrecked equipment.