Good thing the City rushed out and wasted $158,000$166,315.80 on a NO-BID contract for a small crapper at Campbell Park. The pre-fab dumper was dumped in the parking lot on Jan 21st and there it sits….5 weeks later and STILL not open or hooked up!
The ironic thing is, for the first time EVER (I drive by there almost daily), I counted a ton of people in the park last weekend. And by “a ton”, I mean nine.
Nine poor citizens with bursting bladders being taunted by Finley’s not-quite-finished-$166,315 toilet in the park. Ah Finley, you have a devilish sense of humor. Think of all the fools running up to the door about to crap their pants, and finding it locked!!
Well, it’s not exactly “open” – it was dropped there in prefab form by a crane back on Jan 21st. Which was only one month after Finley originally promised it would be delivered. Pretty quick results compared to the other Finley Follies.
Here we are over two weeks later (and after lots of crowing by City Hall and some Goldfish) and it STILL isn’t hooked up, finished or unlocked yet. Which begs the age-old question: if a bathroom is dropped in a park and nobody can use it…did it really happen?
But don’t worry, the company that received this no-bid contract got their $158,000 check paid in full long before the bathroom was delivered.
Looks like a future Bruce Haywood lawsuit with those narrow doors. Middle door for trannies?
Did I say $158,000? Yes I did…and it will be even higher before it’s finished. I’m guessing some of you readers live in a HOUSE that isn’t even worth $158,000, bro! The park bathroom is worth more than your HOUSE! The house that no doubt (1) also has several toilets (2) has a garage (3) has air conditioning and lights and is probably 5 or 6 times bigger than this public crapper. So let that sink in for a moment.
I took a few photos on Jan 25th and 27th, which were gorgeous, unseasonably warm days. Once again….ZERO people in Campbell Park. But hey, we already knew that.