There is an opening on the CIP Board (Capital Improvement Program) and we have TWO contenders for the spot [see pages 159 thru 161]
On the one hand we have Bob Chapman, retired civil engineer. Educated at Texas A&M. Male. I’m guessing he’s quite good at math and therefore cost/benefit analysis. Sounds like some good skills to have when deciding on multi-million-dollar City projects.
On the other hand, we have our old friend Janet “Crazier” Crozier. Janet is a failed “life coach” (not a real job). Life coach is just generally someone who doesn’t like their prior job, wants to be in business for themselves and likes to give advice and be paid for it. The problem is, for the most part, their advice is no better than yours and in this case, likely worse. Most life coaches haven’t gotten their own lives figured out or they would have better options than to be a “life coach.”

She is also REALLY into recycling (does nothing for planet) and was a major reason the City wastes over $12,000 per year on “recycling” garbage which may or may not just get thrown in a landfill anyways. She also wanted the City to pay to have giant carbon-spewing trucks drive around to pick up the recycling, but thankfully Mike White shot that retarded idea down years ago.
She has stated previously that she believes autistic kids are clairvoyant. Yes, I’m serious.

She also fell for my Russian Cripple Gag a couple years ago, when I pretended to be interested in her ADA compliant garden because I was an old Russian in a wheelchair. No matter how ridiculous and outrageous my emails were, she never figured it out.
Oh, and she’s managed to somehow spend over $50,000 (and still counting) on her pet project, The Community Gardens. She is a far-left loon originally from Ohio who attends Clayton Tucker circle-jerks.
Add all that up and you can see you do not have a very rational person at all. NOT the type you want making multi-million-dollar decisions on City projects. Not even close.
The term of the CIP board position is three years. So if you pick a halfwit for this position, you will suffer under that bad choice for three years. Assuming she makes it that long, as she is almost 80 years old.
I know who I’d pick!