Commie Freaks and Clowns Descending On El Paso For Next Four Days.

Today begins the Texas Communist Convention in El Paso.

Destructive parasites, obese losers, androgynous pink-haired freaks and mentally ill they/thems will mingle in a miasma of body odor, cat piss and weed fumes.


All to talk about how they can attempt to destroy the Great Republic of Texas with moronic socialist policies like “Medicare for all,” “$20 minimum wage,” and “free everything!”

Perhaps they don’t know this, but more than HALF of all job creation in the U.S. over the last 5 years has come from TWO states. Texas and Florida.

Report: More than HALF of all new American jobs in the last 5 years are in just two states

Those are two RED states. Clearly those policies are working. So why can’t these morons just be happy they live in a great place instead of devoting all their spare time devising ideas (open borders, windmills, ending fossil fuels) to destroy what is so good?

Radical-left Commiefornie getting destroyed.

And believe me, these losers have PLENTY of spare time. Kristi Lara and Clayton Tucker are prime examples of losers in their 30s and 40s who have never bothered with a career and instead sponge off mom while jumping from one unpaid non-profit to another. Or spending their time ranting on a street corner to accomplish absolutely nothing.

Hopefully, some of those illegals they love so much in El Paso will realize they now have a target-rich environment of beta males and spoiled pussies to beat up and rob. Now THAT would be awesome!