Listeria Outbreak At Boar’s Head Plant. Who To Blame?

So a bunch of people have gotten sick and a few have died due to tainted deli meat from Boar’s Head. Comrade Clayton is a socialist moron, so he knows who to blame immediately: Trump! You know…the guy who has been out of office for nearly four years! It begs the question of why Biden didn’t just roll back the Trump rollbacks during his last 3.5 years in office.

Wait a second, Comrade! I thought blaming people and doling out punishment was something only those horrible, meanie right-wingers did!!

According to Big-Government-loving socialists like Comrade Clayton, the answer to EVERYTHING is to hire more government morons to solve it.

But wait a minute….

In a weird coincidence, over the last couple years Boar’s Head was VERY vocal about how committed they are to hiring third-world illiterate illegal retards who are flooding into our country. The third-world illiterates usually come from places that wipe their asses bare-handed and shit in the street. Gee…I wonder if THAT had anything to do with the unsanitary conditions!

Yes, hiring Pajeet works so very well, doesn’t it? When you hire third-world, expect third-world results….

So Trump “rolls back the clock” in America’s meat plants 5 years ago, according to the article. But this outbreak just happened a couple months ago. Strangely, it has only been the last 2 or 3 years that we have been heavily flooded with third-world illiterates from shit holes like Haiti and India where indoor plumbing is basically unheard of. Hmmm. Very curious!

OH – and it a final bit of irony, the idiot who Comrade Clayton replaced four months ago as secretary of the Texas Farmer’s Union was a guy name Gaylon Amonett, and guess who HE was?

That’s right. Gaylon was one of those government inspectors who Comrade Clayton thinks hung the moon and can do no wrong.

You couldn’t invent a better script if you tried. Nobody would ever believe it.

Trump is right to roll back regulations at the federal level. The federal government has SPECIFIC enumerated powers. Food safety is not one of them. Therefore, it is left to the STATES thanks to the 10th Amendment. Each state has their own departments – we don’t need a federal one. End of story.

Trump is right. Comrade Clayton is wrong once again. Trump wants the border secure and Comrade Clayton wants it open. If third-world illiterates are poisoning the food supply, morons like Comrade Clayton are to blame…not Donald Trump.