Poor Eager Beaver CorVivers Just Can’t Catch a Break

It’s been a while since I poked fun at the CorVive crowd…mainly because the “crowd” has dwindled to just a few suckers left holding the pyramid-shaped bag with a garage full of over-priced CorVive laxatives. But I just couldn’t pass this up – way too funny.

A few days ago, I saw an article headlined “Top Ten Worst Resorts For Food Poisoning”. Since I am a worldly Lampasshole who frequently travels internationally, I figured it was worth a look.

Number three on the list was “Riviera Maya, Mexico” and it kept ringing a bell with me, but I couldn’t immediately remember where I had seen that resort before. Then it hit me: THAT is the “prize” that Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts dangles out for the CorVive suckers who suck the most chumps into his CorVive scam!! LOL. What a guy! Not only is he a scumbag, he is a CHEAP scumbag.

What’s the prize for the year after this one? Haiti? Or maybe Hurghada Egypt?? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nice burn job, Meatball Fouts.