Good Thing Talbert Didn’t Get Her Wish To “Shut Down Hysteria and Misinformation on Social Media”

I bet Mayor Talbert wishes she could take back that ridiculous post she made. It makes her look sillier by the day. I mean, just look at the hysteria and misinformation the Family Medicine Clinic is now spreading on social media! It doesn’t conform at ALL to Misti’s belief that the virus is no big deal and people are causing hysteria by taking it seriously:

“Very hard and very fast and could overwhelm the system“! Holy shit! THAT will stir up the crowd and cause a panic! Mayor Talbert to the rescue!

If Mayor Talbert was so utterly wrong about this, what else has she been wrong about? Pretty much everything, as it turns out. Blowing millions on a City Hall remodel and ‘business park‘ that is a weed patch come to mind. Handing out ‘free’ electrical hookups to her developer buddies and $150,000 to former Council members (S2M2) also come to mind. Or maybe the $120,000 you wasted with Halff Consultants to “study how Lampasas can grow”. Maybe the over $40,000 on new equipment ruined in the ransomware attack (the ransomware attack that saw nobody reprimanded or fired and was never even explained to the public).

Did I mention the $166,000+ wasted on a no-bid toilet? Or the wildly overpaid/overstaffed IT Department?

Misti and City council have been terrible stewards of taxpayer dollars for YEARS and YEARS. Now that the good times are over and they will very likely face a massive hole in their budget (I would not be surprised to see a $400k to $500k deficit), I can only imagine their incompetence will multiply exponentially.

Since you are in for a BIG world of hurt with City finances, allow me to refresh you memories on a LOT of ideas I had NINE MONTHS ago to trim the fat. I’ve done all the hard work for you. HERE IT IS.