While discussing the skate park last night, a few questions were asked.
[Frankly, it seems lately (maybe the last 9 months) a LOT more questions get asked by council. Perhaps it’s the addition of two guys who came in from the real world? I don’t know, but it is pleasing to see. It never happened under the Talbert Gang of Cronies. I think more questions and clarifications have been asked for in the last 9 months than in the previous 3.5 years, to be honest.]
Anyhow, this exchange took place at the 1:17:25 mark:
Zac Morris (addressing Finley): “So we were at about $300,000 and now… we’re at about half a million for that skate park?“
Finley: “Were it to be…[blah, blah, blah, waffle, waffle, filler talk]….it would be $470,000…correct”
Cathy Kuehne: “Wasn’t the original [estimate] for like $200 [thousand]?”
Finley: “No”

Just an absolute blatant falsehood from City Manager Finley DeGraffenreid. It takes years and years and a salary of $140,000 to be able to lie that nonchalantly and project bullshit with such confidence.
As a reminder, Finley – this comes from YOUR MINUTES on August of last year. You can link HERE and go to page 20. It was an estimate provided by FINLEY HIMSELF (also known as “staff”). Here is the screen shot:

Skate park: August 2020 estimate $200,000 – updated estimate $400,000
It doesn’t get much more clear-cut than THAT.
Of course, Finley has amassed a large body of work already in the lying department. I keep track of them over at my GLOSSARY OF TERMS. Here is the entry for Finley DeGraffenreid:
Finley “Spinley” deGraffenried: Nickname for City Manager Finley deGraffenried. His nickname comes from his ability to spin tall tales of bullshit such as “the computer attacks were unrelated” or “we didn’t need to bid that project” or “Old City Hall will be ready in January of 2019” or “Old City Hall rehab ‘only’ cost $1.02 million.” or “our electric department does carry adequate reserves or “the skate park estimate was never $200,000”
The best bullshit your tax dollars can buy!
All this lying without consequence is hilarious to me. Rumor has it that former ACM Gary Cox was fired (by Finley!) for lying about some Goldfish crackers. Guess the rules don’t apply to Finley.