You Can’t Handle The Truth!!!

Wow…a small group of people (mainly city employees and their immediate family) are going nuts over many FACTS I have posted on this blog.  You’d think that I was the one acting arrogant and incompetent and costing the taxpayers $100,000.00 instead of Monica Wright and city council.

For those of you with low IQs, here are the FACTS presented one more time.  Go home and chew on them instead of shooting the messenger.

FACT #1 – Lampasas Dispatch printed on their front page that “city council approves quote for audio-visual system at meeting venue” on July 27th.  I have the paper right here in front of me, if any of you morons dispute this fact.

FACT #2 – I contacted two city council members privately to express my displeasure and ask how the HELL you can spend almost $100,000 on TVs and microphones in a small town like this?  That number seems insane.  They didn’t seem too concerned about it.  I was extremely curious to see the actual bid sheet and exactly how screwed we were getting.  I asked how many bids were received for this huge job.  I was at first told there were THREE bids…and then I was quickly told there was ONLY ONE bid….which stinks to high heaven.  Anybody with a brain knows that.

FACT #3 – The bid sheet lists obvious screw jobs like paying $2,150 each for four 70-inch TV screens (cost found online is $900).  That is LITERALLY the very first line of the bid sheet.  I have that here in black and white on paper.

FACT #4 – Monica Wright’s name is ALL OVER this bid sheet and it is her department.  Making it HER issue.  Don’t believe me?  Here is more proof:

I had never heard of Monica Wright before I saw this bid sheet.  I had no  clue who she was and I don’t have any “vendetta” against her – seeing as I had never heard of her in my life.  But since city council shrugged at this waste of money, I took it upon myself to email Monica and ask HER about this gigantic waste of money and why only ONE BID was received for such a large amount of money.  God forbid the unwashed masses DARE to question the big, important city employees who pay their salary.  Perhaps most of you are meek pussies who bend over and take it, but that ain’t in my blood.

FACT #5 – My email read EXACTLY:

Hi Monica,
I read in the paper recently that city council is about to blow about $100,000 on an AV system for council.  As a taxpayer, I have to say I am pretty upset about it.  Then I find out that no other bids were requested from any other company, which makes it even worse.
I see that you are IT Director.  I would like to schedule a time to meet with you and discuss this.  The first item alone, FOUR 70” TV screens at $2150 per TV is absolutely outlandish.  Not only do you NOT need 4 TVS and certainly not a massive 70” size…but those same 70” TVs are available for less than $1000 elsewhere.  That is just one example.
I look forward to your timely response in this matter.
FACT #6 – Monica Wright refused to talk to me and explain herself.  Her EXACT response (which you can see is 90% cut and pasted from the bid sheet photo posted above):
City of Lampasas staff has been working with Azbell Electronics, Inc. since March 2017 to provide a conceptual design for an audio/visual system for the newly renovated 1931 Roy L. Thomas building that will be used as the future City Council Chambers. Staff engaged with this vendor to obtain quote for the design, equipment and installation through State Buy Board Contract #563-18, which means the Texas local and state procurement process has already been completed and met. Buy Board contract is used by local governments to achieve better pricing on products, equipment and services. The equipment purchased for this project, was a recommendation by A/V engineers based off of current and future needs as well as meeting ADA compliance. While I understand your concerns as a taxpayer, I assure that all purchasing policies and state local guidelines were met and with best value kept in mind. If you would like to address City Council on the matter, please feel free to speak at one of our City Council meetings that is held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7pm.

Translation?  Buzz off!!  Sorry, but I already spoke to city council members and they were unconcerned about this.  I work evenings and REALLY don’t have time to sit through 3 hours of dipshittery council arguing about whether to put a statue or a tree in front of the new $1,000,000.00 city hall.  Sorry…I work for a living.

FACT #7 – Since Monica Wright is too busy to pick up a phone and get two more bids, and Monica Wright is too busy to sit and meet with taxpayers, then it stands to reason that Monica Wright must be SUPER busy, right?  I tested my theory by going to her Facebook page to see if she spent her days screwing around on Facebook.  Guess what I found?

FACT #8 – Monica Wright posted pictures of her kids on her personal Facebook page at 11 am on a Monday morning.  A week after I made my Opens Record Request to Jo-Christy Brown (which included questions about wasting time on Facebook) the post was coincidentally taken down by Monica Wright.  Luckily I took a screenshot which I posted here It is now gone.  Explain that to me!!  Sure as hell looks like someone covering their tracks.  I saw at LEAST ten other instances of posts during normal working hours.  They are all now gone as well.

This is not “attacking her children” as one moron put it.  SHE posted the photo…not me.  It is PUBLIC and available to be seen by ANYONE (not anymore, of course…as it is evidence of time wasting).  It proved my working theory that Monica Wright is not only incompetent and lazy, but that she has been there SO LONG she thinks she can screw around playing on Facebook all day long.  If you are dumb enough to leave a public paper trail of you posting personal stuff during work hours, that is on you…not me.

FACT #9 – A few morons are bitching about me “posting this on Facebook”.   I never posted a single thing on Facebook.  Somebody linked to it here.  You know why it was a popular link???  Outside of a few morons and family members, DOZENS of citizen taxpayers have expressed their outrage to me about this and have encouraged me to keep digging.  I have personally paid $483.50 in fees to the city in order to do so.

So…instead of belly-aching about me attacking some poor girl, you should be thanking me and smooching my butt for exposing extreme incompetence and arrogance (not to mention possible malfeasance) in city government.

Or maybe some of you morons LIKE getting ripped off.  You DO realize that if $100,000.00 is pissed away on something like this, that’s $100,000.00 that can’t be spent on something actually needed by the city, right?

Furthermore, this “poor girl” has been a city employee for THIRTEEN YEARS and should know enough to get multiple bids on a job this size.  EVERY SINGLE ITEM I have referenced and discussed is public record and my freedom to bitch about it is protected by the First Amendment.  It’s kind of what this country was founded on…pointing out the British were financially screwing us in the ass and making a stink about it.  You all sound like a bunch of liberal twats who CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!  And that just ain’t American.


Monica Wright Busy Destroying Evidence of Herself Goofing Off on Facebook During Work Hours

Monica Wright, our super hard-working IT Director who screwed the taxpayers out of $100,000 last month, has been a busy little bee!  One of the questions I submitted to Jo-Christy Brown was “are there specific rules banning government employees from using social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc) for personal reasons during work hours?  If so, what is the punishment for violating those rules?”

There was a reason for this seemingly random question.  You see, I suspect most of these wildly overpaid government parasites do very little work during the day.  They sit there and waste the taxpayer dime posting pictures of their cat on Facebook.

Apparently word must have gotten out to Monica and she is slightly smarter than she looks.  She has been busily deleting any Facebook post that was made during working hours – and believe me, there were a lot of them.  Luckily for you, dear reader, I took a screenshot of one of them a month ago – because I know that when you turn on the lights, the roaches go scurrying for cover.  I was right…she is running for cover and deleting all the evidence.

As you can see in the photo, she posted personal photos on her page at 11:19 am on Monday July 16th.  If you go to her FB page now (go ahead and do it now, I’ll wait here….) that post is now gone.  Which means she knew damn good and well she shouldn’t have been wasting taxpayer time on that crap.  I found at least TEN instances of this last month as I went through her posts.  Looks like she scrubbed them all.  A sure sign of a guilty mind.  Makes you wonder what other things she has been up to.

So in addition to being wildly overpaid and being too lazy to get more than one bid on a huge job, she apparently has plenty of time to sit around and post personal photos on her personal Facebook page while sitting at her government job.  Must be nice!  She’s worth every penny, isn’t she?