You gotta hand it to “Dr” James Cain. He LITERALLY picked the top of the recent surge to do his “Covid Panic Porn” hysteria interview in the local paper [see September 23 article] – where he tried to scare anyone and everyone into getting the vaccine. That was the same article where he failed to utter the words “natural immunity” even once.
While he yammered about people waiting in their cars and hospitals overflowing, the surge was already over and a massive and rapid decline in cases, hospitalizations and deaths was occurring:

How is his beloved vaccine doing up north in places like, say, Vermont? Not so well. Turns out the vaccine doesn’t really protect a large group of people from shit – seeing as how the vaxxed can carry 250x the viral load. This turns recently vaxxed people into super-spreader bombs:

Gee. States up north are starting to see a surge while southern states like Texas and Florida are seeing rapid declines? It’s almost like this thing might be seasonal! Who woulda thunk it??
Covid heads north for the winter.
Also, since “Dr” Cain made his hysterical proclamations less than two weeks ago, Project Veritas has caught MULTIPLE Pfizer scientists on undercover video and audio admitting they are money-grubbing pieces of shit and that natural immunity is better than their “vaccine”:

I remember “Dr” Cain admonishing us to “listen to your doctor”. I’m guessing these corporate scientists who dream up “vaccines” are a LOT smarter and have more letters after their names than “Dr” Cain. So they are therefore even BIGGER sources of truth, right?
Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist Chris Croce – said that those who have naturally acquired immunity are “probably more” protected vs. the vaccine.
Veritas Journalist: “So, I am well-protected [with antibodies]?”
Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “Yeah.”
Veritas Journalist: “Like as much as the vaccine?”Croce: “Probably more.”
Veritas Journalist: “How so? Like, how much more?”
Croce: “You’re protected most likely for longer since there was a natural response.”
Croce then advises the undercover Veritas journalist to “wait” to get the vaccine until her natural immunity wanes because she’s already had Covid-19.
Gee. That’s kind of like the OPPOSITE of what “Dr” James Cain is telling everyone on the front page of the local newspaper.
A third Pfizer scientist, Rahul Khandke, said that Pfizer pressures employees to conceal negative information from the public.
“We’re bred and taught to be like, ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ Honestly, we had to do so many seminars on this. You have no idea. Like, we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to like — be like, ‘you cannot talk about this in public,” said Khandke, who also agreed on the antibodies.
“If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up,” he said.
Croce, meanwhile, acknowledged that Pfizer is conducting tests to determine whether their vaccine causes myocarditis in younger individuals.
“So, yeah, we’re doing, we just sent, like, 3,000 patients’ samples to get tested for like, elevated troponin levels (to detect heart attack) to see if it’s vaccine based – or so…”
I’m sure “Dr” Cain will very soon be doing another newspaper piece where he admits he was wrong and that you’re probably fine WITHOUT the “vaccine” if you’re young and healthy and/or have ALREADY had Covid, right?
Yeah. Sure he will.