Four years ago when socialist Clayton Tucker tried to weasel his way into a vacant City council seat, he postured himself as some kind of energy expert. He also had a loony idea for the City of Lampasas to build a solar farm and “sell the electricity to Austin”, lol. From The Dispatch June 2, 2017:

Fast forward almost 4 years and we find Clayton Tucker asking the most rudimentary questions on solar power to locals:

So the expert with “special knowledge” of energy policy and who wants to force Texas to be 100% renewable in 10 years actually doesn’t know shit about shit.
Color me shocked.
You are “gathering” wrong. You can have a home system with or without batteries. Of course, if you want power at night (you know…because the sun, like, isn’t out then) or on cloudy days, you need batteries. A LOT of them. Hundreds of amp hours worth. Plus a back-up generator that runs on propane or diesel. Otherwise, you need to be hooked into the grid for those times.
Batteries are extremely expensive and the physics of increasing energy density enough to compete with fossil fuels has not even been remotely solved yet (lithium-ion batteries weigh 50 times as much as an equivalent amount of energy stored in gasoline). Which is why lib idiots hand out billions and billions in subsidies to EV car makers. Mining for those battery components (cobalt, for example) is also EXTREMELY destructive to the environment – but greentards never mention that part.
Hey! I sound like an expert myself! Maybe because I’ve lived off-grid for over 8 years now. I didn’t choose solar because it made a lot of economic sense (the payback period is probably going to be 12 years total for me). I did it because I was afraid morons like Clayton Tucker and the Green New Deal retards would someday come to power and start destroying the fossil fuel industry, thus making my power more expensive and less reliable. I wanted to be INDEPENDENT and free of meddlesome morons like Tucker.
If you REALLY cared about clean energy, you would at least be talking about nuclear. Nuclear is FAR superior to solar, wind and every other hare-brained idea the greentards have for our country’s massive energy needs.