Even the most deluded radical lefties are now admitting Biden has lost his marbles. This was obvious years ago, but remember: the Angry White Female Liberals (AWFLs) like Stephanie Fitzharris, Julie Landrum and Carol Garner-Doughty cannot perceive reality. They ignore it in favor of their own warped ‘reality,’ such as “men can menstruate” or two 21-year-old girls can move a piano up the stairs because, like, Boss Girl!

However, you cannot ignore the CONSEQUENCES of ignoring reality. That consequence is Trump getting back into the White House (currently 60% chance). Ignoring reality for the last 3 years has painted them into a very tight corner.
So what happens next?
I won’t admit how many hours I’ve spent analyzing betting sites the last 24 hours. The markets started jumping around again yesterday evening. Supposedly Biden is meeting with his inner circle TODAY to figure out how to fix this train wreck. The only thing in their way is yet another AWFL: Jill Biden. Taco Jill herself is clinging to power right til the end despite the obvious. Kind of like Diane Feinstein or John McCain.
The other big problem is that even if they can convince Jill/Joe to drop out of the race NOW, who are they going to install in his place? Their bench is not very deep.
Kamala is a low-IQ, highly annoying DEI hire who literally sucked dicks to get where she is. The Big Money people in the Democrat Party know she is a dumpster fire and apparently want nothing to do with her. Remember during the primaries in 2019? She was pulling about 1% in the polls. Team Trump also has access to about 100 hours of video of Kamala doing interviews and sounding like an absolute moron while making cackling noises that put any normal human on edge. There is a reason she has been a long-shot to win this entire time.
Only the most retarded virtue-signaling idiots think that this is a good choice.

As of this morning, here is the most likely scenario according to betting markets:
Some time in the next month (it can’t be too soon, or it will be obvious this is all because of Joe’s horrendous debate performance) Joe will resign from the presidency “for the good of the country” due to an undisclosed medical issue. This is an easy sell, since he is clearly going downhill fast. I’d be surprised if he is alive a year from now.
Kamala steps in and gets to be the First Female President EVER! She also now has a few months to show what she can do. Maybe they get a promise out of her to NOT seek the nomination in August…maybe they don’t. Kamala is just as power-hungry as the rest of them. I doubt she’ll go quietly unless promised a cushy job like Supreme Court Justice or something.
Meanwhile, the snakes at the DNC will need to figure out the mechanics of swapping Joe off of all those ballots and installing someone else. Bernie Sanders fans will understand how easy it is, since Hillary pulled a similar stunt pushing Bernie aside for the 2016 election. I don’t pretend to understand all the arcane rules the DNC uses, but rest assured, it will all be decided in smokey back rooms. So much for that “protecting democracy” they love to yammer about!
Now they need to install someone. The common thinking is that Newsom is a no-go because he is an “evil white male” and the libshits are all-in on only picking women and minorities for everything these days. They are so myopic about this, they’ll keep doing it even as it sinks their own boat.
Who’s left? Gretchen Whitmer is a name that keeps getting bandied about – and she has definitely popped in the betting markets. Of course, most of America has no cue who she is except the for being the center of an FBI set-up and for being an extreme authoritarian lock-down twat during Covid. She’s also still a longshot at around 30-1.

Then there is still Big Mike – Michelle Obama…who may, or may not, have a penis swinging around down there. Mike has said REPEATEDLY that he has no interest in running. Of course, they all say that. The dems have very little time to work this. Michelle ticks all the boxes and every libshit will be reassured that his wife Barack will be in the background whispering in Big Mike’s ear the entire four years. Obama has zero track record and therefore, nothing for Trump to attack on. Trump also risks looking like a “racist asshole” if he goes after Big Mike too hard. The Dem convention is in Chicago and the Obamas got their start where?
As of now, the betting markets seem to view Kamala, Newsom and Big Mike as all equally likely.
Oh, then we still have Hillary out there, flapping her leathery wings and circling around. I would not count THAT possibility entirely out, either. HillDog has gone from 200-1 down to 40-1 at a few places. So clearly some punters think she is at least worth a long-shot lotto ticket.