I love doing these. Catching some of the people in charge completely contradicting themselves with their own words and actions later on. After they get all indignant the first time around when I call them out publicly for being totally full of it.
Who can forget the previous hits like:
Talbert 2017 Versus Talbert 2020
Hostess House 2019 Versus Hostess House 2021
Well, now we have another one.
Remember back on August 12, 2020 when I was lambasting the LEDC for the obvious lies about “economic injury” from Covid? They were trying desperately (and fraudulently, in my opinion) to grab some federal Covid dough to prop up their piece of shit “Business” Park. A project that has been a disaster for about 15 years before Covid showed up. Here is an excerpt from my post:
All these facts didn’t stop City council from lying through their teeth like scumbag welfare queens with their “Resolution Authorizing Application” for this grant – which will be made through Langford Community Management Services. You can find the entire resolution in the City council packets HERE on Page 44.
It partially reads:
“WHEREAS the ‘Applicant’ has determined that the economic activity generated from this project will positively impact the City economy, overall, which has been adversely affected by the COVID19 disaster;
City council then UNANIMOUSLY voted to approve this resolution. You can hear it HERE at the 25 minute mark.
I REPEATEDLY called them out for this whopper of a lie.
Well, it only took them 11 months to admit it, but better late than never. From this weeks LEDC meeting packet (see page 28 under Sales Tax):

I’m sorry, I’m not really good at math. So, does the time period of “the last 18 months” encompass last August (11 months ago) when you were spinning piles of bullshit to get a federal grant?? I’m a little confused.
Luckily, LEDC has a brand-new President who is SUPER good at math. At least she was when she was mayor. Maybe she can figure it out!