A Modest Proposal

Now that Stacey Ybarra has gone the way of Walsh, Masonheimer, Hargrove, the dodo bird, and the golden toad, may I make a modest proposal?

Golden toads: now extinct, despite the froggy style you see above.

I believe I made the same proposal when Mandy resigned: do nothing and don’t hire anyone.

I pointed out almost two years ago that the free market had ALREADY jumped in and picked up the slack for a good portion of her job:

Approximately 30% Of Mandy Walsh’s Old Duties To Be Replaced By Inanimate Facebook Page “DoLampasas” – For Zero Cost

DoLampasas has a website now too!

Check out DoLampasas

There is something there for everyone – including the kids!

Maybe the City should hold on to that $9,500 a month that Ybarra was costing them and deploy a small portion somewhere else? By NOT hiring a new EDD, you certainly won’t get any LESS tenants in the Business Pork, will you? You’ve gone 0-for-twenty-years with the last four gals in there. Hard to believe that “hire nobody” will be any worse.

Just a thought.

Comparing Salaries – Economic Director Edition.

We have looked at comparisons for City manager, ACM and police chief so far.

What is MOST hilarious to me about all this is that Ryan Ward’s “salary study” showed that HE was underpaid by 13% and the police chief was OVERPAID by 7.9% (this is before last year’s COLAs and raises were handed out). But from where I’m sitting, WARD looks to be overpaid far more (35%) than our police chief (maybe 15%).


Let’s move on to the next wildly-overpaid and underworked employee: Economic Development Director Stacey Ybarra.

If the 4% universal raise goes through, Ybarra will be pulling in $89,147. She has not even been with the City for a year and has no letters after her name. What she DOES have is a long history of non-private sector employment.

This comparison will be short, because to be honest – there aren’t many cities our size who even have a position for “Economic Development” on their payrolls!!

Burnet, TX: In 2020, they had a guy as “economic development director” who was pulling down $48,324. He either got canned or left. The NEW chick is making $61,534. Ybarra will be paid 45% more than her Burnet counterpart.

Liberty Hill, TX: $75,760 (population and growth rate FAR surpass Lampasas). Matt Powell was either canned or left last year and a NEW old fart has taken his place. She looks like a disaster waiting to happen – and a LOT of money will definitely be wasted in Liberty Hill. Ybarra will be paid 18% more than her Liberty Hill counterpart.

Serial grifter has jumped from government tit to government tit. This is like giving Janet Yoder Crazier a job as City planner. It will not end well.

The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure Ybarra actually LIVES in Liberty Hill! LOL. Either there or Cedar Park. I forget which. She lives closer to L.H. than to Lampasas.

Wait a sec…the Liberty Hill EDD looks EXACTLY like Jim Carey’s secretary in the movie Liar Liar!

Perryton, TX: $64,064 (population 8,150 – larger than Lampasas). Ybarra will be paid 39% more than her Perryton counterpart.

Now, some BIG cities (Austin, Dallas, Round Rock) have EDD positions and pay them ludicrous sums like $200,000 per year. We are not those cities. We are a small town of 7,500 which happens to sit at the intersection of three major highways. Every penny spent of “economic development” is a penny wasted. Just look at the still-empty Business Pork project.

Replacement Found For Mandy Walsh?

Has the City finally found a new “Economic Development Director”? Looks like they may have!

According to LEDC Jan 18th meeting packets (Item III):

“Welcome and introduction of Stacey Ybarra, Lampasas Economic Development Director”

Could THIS be her?

Stacey Ybarra – LinkdIn

Her resume sure fits the bill.

If it IS her, she only lasted one year in her previous job as “Assistant Village Adminiatrator” in Salado.

Weird that EVERY SINGLE “Economic Development Director” we have had has been female. Cherry Hargrove, Kathi Masonheimer, Mandy Walsh, and now Stacey Ybarra.

Too bad the LEDC refuses to hold their monthly meetings “on the record” using the City’s $96,000 A/V system so that this “introduction” will be more transparent.

Hopefully Stacey has been warned about the shit pile she is stepping into with the Business Pork project, the Industrial Pork “agreement” that is never agreed to, and all the rest of it….including critical “keyboard warriors” like myself.

Rest assured we’ll have all the info on Stacey here soon: salary, experience, etc.