According to the latest LEDC packet [page 4 under VI – Business Park Strategies] Finley presented some more options to burn cash on the goat pasture that has stayed empty and devoid of tenants for over 20 years now.

His brilliant idea? “Professional engagement with a commercial broker,” preferably one who “has experience with large projects.” Also to “seek outside guidance from brokers who reside outside Lampasas and specialize in commercial development.“
Are you shitting me? Wouldn’t that be the FIRST thing you do after realizing you blew over $7.4 million on a goat pasture that nobody has any interest in? I must ask for the fifth or sixth time now: what the hell have you been doing for the last 20 years?!?
Well, they actually HAVE been using “professionals” for a while now and spending a lot of money doing it. Let’s look at the MANY ways the LEDC has marketed this disaster – every one of them cost a nice chunk of change – all of them have been utter failures.

#1 – the “weekly RFI (requests for information) from the governor’s office.” I think we can safely say after 19 years of “getting weekly RFIs” and having zero tenants to show for it, that this avenue is and was totally useless bullshit. I called them on this exact bullshit nine months ago:
The Lie That Keeps On Giving: RFIs
#2 – Blow money on numerous videos, emails, digital ads, print ads, social media, etc. (Neon Cloud, Site Selection and Flyerview) – cost of over $15,000 in one year alone and WELL over $50,000 since inception. Results? Zero tenants.

#3 – Hire yet another Economic Development Director who said it was her “number-one priority” to find tenants when she was grilled by Rhonda Witcher on the radio. That was almost 18 months ago. Cost? Her salary and benefits are enormous. Results? Zero tenants.
#4 – Post the Business Pork on all sorts of commercial websites that already exist for this sort of thing. This includes ReSimplifi and

According to Loopnet, the Business Pork isn’t even listed on there anymore!
So after failing many different expensive ways over the last 20 years, Finley and the LEDC have come up with the genius idea to hire a commercial broker who “specializes in commercial development.“
LOL. I can’t wait to see what THEIR cut is going to be if they DO find someone to move in.
What a joke.
P.S. – bonus method #5: don’t forget the LEDC just recently DRASTICALLY lowered the bar on financial requirements to move into the Business Pork.