Germany Pretty Much Sucks At Everything. Getting Stomped At Olympics, Too!

Germany used to be an OK country with some decent engineers and beer drinkers. They may have invented the motorcycle, or something. OK – great.

Now they are complete losers who have destroyed their economy, wrecked their energy production and who have let hundreds of thousands of fake refugees overrun their country. As dirtbag Africans kill and rape their citizens, weak German pussies stand there and ask “may I have some more, bitte?”

Oh, and they suck at the Olympics too. No surprise there. As America marvels at their pile of 20 medals, sad shitty Germany is in the corner like a retarded toddler rubbing two medals together. So pathetic and embarrassing. Makes me very happy I bet the UNDER 10.5 gold medals for Germany….

The U.S. is TEN TIMES better than Germany. It’s math.

That doesn’t stop deluded, liberal, elderly Germanic morons like Tina Seefeldt (who chose to live in awesome America and NOT her shitty native country of Germany) from constantly trying to take a dump on America. Did I mention that Tina Seefeldt is a real estate broker for Coldwell Bankers in Killeen?

Tina Seefeldt (whose Dad was a Nazi who tried to kill American soldiers for Hitler) thinks that America doesn’t know how to innovate…

…despite the fact that America has invented pretty much EVERY SINGLE incredible product the entire world enjoys.

Notice how the dummykraut cannot even write a single coherent sentence in English despite being a parasite in this country for over 25 years! Apparently, the dummykraut doesn’t know how to read English either. If she did, she’d see that this “breakthrough” MIGHT lead to a prototype in “1 to 2 years.” In other words, it’s a pie-in-the-sky lab curiosity that may never be scaled up to industrial levels – just like hundreds of “breakthroughs” that came before this one.

The fact is that America has innovated more and earned more patents than every other country over the last 30 or 50 years. Germany is way down in the middle of the pack…probably inventing useless shit like a new sausage casing for their brats.

Thomas Edison – ever heard of him, bitch??

While Germans were busy prancing around in lederhosen and getting raped by Africans, America was busy creating the Internet, the smart phone, the microprocessor, the air conditioner and about 10,000 other modern miracle products.

Germany is in suicide mode and will eventually be conquered by Islam or starve to death by the climate catastrophists agenda. Whichever comes first.