Local socialist and fake rancher Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) is busy once again explaining how inflation ISN’T the fault of massive government spending and money printing. According to him, it is all due to the greedy oligopolists!
Apparently, all these cartels formed right around January of 2021.

Of course, Comrade Clayton left out a HUGE monopoly that is very real and very damaging to society. That would be the ‘search engine” market – which is 92% controlled by Google!! They have been caught REPEATEDLY slanting search results to the left, politically. Comrade Clayton ignores this for the same reason he never puts Tim Cook on his “overpaid CEO” lists: because they are rabid lefties that benefit rabid left-wing causes. So they are just fine.
Let’s pick those other ‘monopolies’ apart, one by one.
First we have meat. According to his stats, four companies control “55% to 85% of the meat market.” LOL. That’s a pretty wide spread of guesses. You could drive a truck through that. Is it 55% or is it 85%? Let’s say it IS 85%.
I’m guessing that having massive processing plants and thus economies of scale, make it cheaper in the long run to process these cows. I’m guessing that because when you buy meat DIRECTLY from real ranchers on-line (like HERE or HERE), it sure isn’t much cheaper. Slaughtering and processing cows is hard work. Hard work that pussies like Clayton Tucker have ZERO interest in doing.
You can also choose from a ton of on-line places that deal directly with rancher – like Moink. OR, you could head on down to the farmers’ markets and buy directly. But that is all too much effort for Comrade Clayton.
Further, smaller farms are being increasingly shuttered under the weight of regulatory burden as standards recently imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency have resulted in compliance costs soaring to as high as $3 million for a single beef processing plant. That would be the same EPA that Clayton Tucker adores and wants more of.
As a supposed cattle rancher, you’d think Clayton Tucker would be taking advantage of these higher beef prices (the U.S. cattle herd is the lowest it has been in over 70 years). You’d think he’d be churning out calves and have that website up and running to sell his “fifth generation” beef over at RX Ranch.
After all, as the old saying goes: the best cure for high prices is high prices. This is because “greedy” producers, acting in self interest, rush to take advantage of these high prices by producing MORE. Increased production increases supply which eventually lowers prices. This is the “invisible hand” Adam Smith talked about. It’s common knowledge to everyone but socialist shit heads like Comrade Clayton Tucker.

But Comrade Clayton is either too stupid or lazy to take advantage of these high beef prices. Seven months after telling his social media followers he was “currently building a website” to sell beef, there is still no website. He is too busy going to communist freak conventions where ‘men’ with fake tits give him lectures.
He’s also too busy raising goats – which is a path he unwisely took last year because “climate change” supposedly made it way smarter to raise goats instead of cattle. Of course, most of his goats are dying from parasites and vulturebuzzards (TM) because he is a neophyte when it comes to this stuff.
Bottom line: government regulations are certainly a factor in rising prices, as was the extremely dry weather a few years ago. But in a free-market system, REAL ranchers will respond to high prices by producing more. FAKE ranchers will sit around and make up fairy takes about monopolies.
RELATED: Current Ag commissioner Sid Miller (REPUBLICAN) actually filed suit years ago, alleging price fixing among these Big Four meat packers. There ARE ALREADY laws in place if price fixing is proved. A democrat, Clinton-appointed judge in Minnesota (John R. Tunheim) dismissed the suit last August!
How about that? A Texas Republican (Sid Miller) went to bat for the little guys and a Clinton-appointed Democrat scumbag dismissed the suit last August. Go figure!
Coming next: AIR TRAVEL