Finley must be starting to feel like someone’s little brother with all the nut shots he’s taken the last few years.
The latest spit in his eye is Martin opening the “cigar bar” over on the square – after two years of stringing the City along with some bullshit about building one in the “Industrial Park”:

Ouch. It wasn’t too long ago that one of Martin’s Minions was on Facebook yammering about how they had bought the property over there at the Industrial Park for the cigar bar…
So Who Is Lying About Industrial Park? Battle Of The Cigar Shops!

The property in question was the Industrial Park – where many, many horseshit promises have been pedaled for almost two years…and much money has been wasted by the City:

So, Martin demanded the City spend $38,000 to remove concrete for his “RV and Boat Storage” business but a year later, zero RVs and boats have been stored. It still sits empty except for some personal junk. Junk that is in direct violation of the agreement the City spent $7,000 drawing up between Martin and themselves:

Punching Finley in the nuts like that wasn’t enough, though. NOW they decide to just stick their “business” on the square inside of an EXISTING building.
I said all along it made WAY more sense to use an existing vacant space in town (we have many) than to spend big money building a cigar bar. I was proven right once again, because that is exactly what happened.
Finley is a life-long government bureaucrat and parasite who doesn’t understand how the real world works. He has never had skin in the game and has a cushy guaranteed job – so he has no clue what the real business world entails. Which is why his nutsack is constantly being used as a speed bag and his eye socket used as a spittoon by everyone in the private sector.
The whole “scan our QR code and we’ll come meet you” seems like the most convoluted and retarded scheme ever. Not exactly the kind of set-up that indicates they’ll be creating “a bunch of good-paying jobs” as they have promised in the past. Hey, but who cares? The City will pick up the tab.
As always.