Budget Nuggets

City debt obligations by year:

2016/2017 – $475,300 [Toups mayor]

2017/2018 – $660,385 (+39%) [Talbert mayor]

2018/2019 – $746,171 (+13%) [Talbert]

2019/2020 – $872,995 (+17%) [Talbert]

2020/2021 – Data not listed [Talbert]

2021/2022 – $978,784 (+12% over 2019/20 numbers)

2022/2023 – $1,400,004 (+43%) [Monroe]

Debt obligations up 106% in 5 years (21% per year)

IT Department – up 54% in 5 years (11% per year)

City manager department – up 107% in 5 years (up 21.5% per year)

Population of Lampasas up approximately 5% during this time (1% per year)

Debt obligations and City manager costs rising 21x faster than population growth

IT Department spending rising 11x faster than population growth – and they STILL allowed a costly ransomware attack to cripple the City!