City to Spend $35,300 Just To STUDY Drainage Near Stone Valley Subdivision – Same Subdivision Where City Paid Deorald Finney $33,324 to “Improve Drainage”

The City just voted to waste spend $35,300 to STUDY drainage issues on Fairview Drive – see page 2, Item 7.4 – near the Stone Valley subdivision.

Yes, that would ALSO be the same Stone Valley built by Deorald Finney who was handed $72,000 in ‘free’ electrical hookups by Misti Talbert.

Oddly, in addition to the $72,000 in ‘free’ hookups, Finney was ALSO handed $33,324 in tax dollarsfor drainage improvements his contractor will make on Westridge Place…” [see page 10 in Lampasas Dispatch].

So lemme get this straight. The City hands Deorald $33,324 to “improve drainage on Westridge”. NOW there are drainage issues on Fairview – which is literally less than two blocks over.

Gee. I wonder if the two are related! Zac Morris was the only council member to even question this massive expense for a STUDY. The other braindead council members like Williamson, Monroe and Kuehne just whipped out their rubber stamps and wrote the checks.
