Freddy Oversteegen – The Art Of Projection

One thing you can always count on with loons like Freddie Oversteegen (who uses a fake name): besides being hypocrites, they are MASTERS at projection.

‘Projection’ is when you are guilty of something yourself but accuse others baselessly and relentlessly of the same thing. Kinda like the dems whipping up the “Trump is in bed with Russia” horseshit when in actuality, HILLARY was the one busy sending her hubby to Russia to make $500,000 speeches in return for handing Uranium One over to the Russians. Or maybe like ‘Antifa’ claiming to be ‘anti-fascist’ when really THEY are the ones acting like fascists. Or the claiming to be for free speech, then firing people if they hold the ‘wrong’ opinion.

OR, like Freddy Oversteegen saying I am a stalker for posting screenshots of public discourse freely put out in the open by somebody, when in actuality HE is the one who wants to go physically track people down, take photos and post them without their consent in order to shame them:

Now THAT sounds like stalking! Freddie’s first impulse is not to counter with a better argument, but to stalk, stalk and stalk some more! Oh, and call people racists. ‘Does anyone know if Anna lives or works in Lampasas?’. Creepy, dude.

Freddy also spends a lot of time calling people “unhinged”. He did that to some poor old guy (George McKlintock) who posted an editorial in the Dispatch speaking out against socialism:

So some older gentleman warns about socialism in a letter to the editor and he is an ‘unhinged lunatic’? What does that make you, Freddie? I know your views on ‘racism’:

I think this comment goes under both “unhinged” and “nauseating virtue signaling”…don’t you?

Of course, we know Freddie’s type: racism is what HE says it is. Usually something like enforcing our long-existing immigration laws makes you a ‘racist’. Or pointing out that there is zero evidence of systemic white-on-black police brutality…that also makes you a racist these days.

Freddie doesn’t like it when I refer to him and other MANDATORY MASK lovers ‘Nazis’….but I say, if the shoe fits, you should wear it.

Freddy is also busy giving out advice that maybe Melissa Johnson should go to “the authorities” because of my “stalking”. LOL. NOW you want the police, Freddie? Just recently you were busy saying we need to DEFUND the police and that SANITATION WORKERS would do their job better….and they wouldn’t murder YOU or your dog either!

Yet little Freddie wants the police to make the big bad man stop calling him a mask Nazi. LOL. If you do that, you better hope they don’t give you Officer Montgomery! Remember him?

Skinny, greasy long-haired twats using fake Facebook names are oftentimes the toughest keyboard warriors.

Poor widdle Fweddie. Can’t defend himself. Goes around spewing insults but can’t take it when he gets some back. His answer is to go stalk somebody or to call the police to protect him. This is the same imbecile who insults kids:

Speaking of dumb – can you imagine not knowing when to use “who’s” versus “whose”? Hey….are you projecting again Fweddie? Ashamed you can’t write at a third-grade level so you insult third-graders as dumb? The projection is STRONG in this one!

I’m sorry….WHO’S the dumb kid, again?

Freddie IS slightly smarter than the average dope. I’ll hand him that. Which is like being the tallest midget. He uses a fake name and nothing on his FB profile but a picture from WWII of presumably actual dead Nazis – he’s smart enough to protect his personal private info.

Funny that a guy who goes to such lengths to protect his REAL identity is so keen on trying to expose mine. Typical hypocrite.

I can make a few guesses about Freddie. He’s probably mid to late 20s. Dead-end job, if he’s employed at all. Plays in a shitty band in the lobby of the local Copperas Cove fleabag motel and thinks he is a rock star. Scrawny. Greasy. Hates his Dad. Sits around smoking pot til 4am and rambling about how “racist” everybody is. Probably thinks of himself as an Antifa type fighting “Nazis” like his heroine the REAL Freddie Oversteegen. Thinks ‘racists’ should be murdered and people who don’t wear masks should be thrown in jail.

His parents must be proud!