Bureaucrats Gonna Bureaucrat

The following was sent out today by our $170,000 man, “Doctor” Chane Rascoe. I had HOPED he might earn his huge salary and make the right decision on this, but alas, government bureaucrats are gonna bureaucrat. That’s just what they do:


In the interest of continuing to have school, a traditional graduation ceremony, and end this school year successfully in just over two months without delays and closures, we will continue with the mask order at this time. 

We must give all our staff members the opportunity to be vaccinated.  From there, we will be consulting with other local officials and the local health authority over the coming days as the Governor’s order goes into effect.  The decision to maintain our current health safety protocols will be re-evaluated on at least a weekly basis.  As more information is obtained, we will consider lifting the requirement and getting back to normal which we will all love to do very soon.   

SO many things wrong in this decision! Where to start??

We will continue with the mask order” – who is “we“? I’d like to know exactly who is responsible. If it is YOU, ‘doctor’ Chane, then at least say “I” and take responsibility. I just want to know – so a year or two from now, when a bunch of kids have irreversible respiratory problems, they know who to sue the shit out of for forcing them to wear a filthy mask seven hours a day when ALL the science says it’s a completely useless gesture, and may very well be harmful.

Maybe “we” is the TEA. Is that who makes the rules? If so, why are we paying “Doctor” Rascoe $170,000 per year plus benefits? May as well cut out the middleman and save over $200k a year.

Is “we” the parents? I don’t think so. You sent out a questionnaire last week asking parents if they would like the see the masks go away. It was OVERWHELMINGLY in favor, from what I could see of the public comments. What were the results of that survey, Chane? I’m betting it was 80% in favor of getting rid of the masks.

What “mask order” are you talking about? There is no mask order any more – or didn’t you get the message, Chane? Does the good “doctor” think he has unlimited powers? What if tomorrow he ordered everyone to wear a fake moustache because he felt like it. Would the parents just go along unquestioningly? I know Bruce Haywood would, but I mean the OTHER parents. The ones with brains. Where is the good “doctor” deriving his authority from…and what are the limits?

We must give all our staff members the opportunity to be vaccinated“. No you don’t. That is ludicrous. Teachers who are female and under 50 (I’m guessing a HUGE majority of them) do not need to bother to be vaccinated. They are more likely to die of flu….or a car accident. Their risk is infinitesimal. Many of them (**cough**Cathy Kuehne**cough**) have ALREADY had Covid and are therefore immune. They have, in essence, ALREADY been vaccinated.

[I would LOVE to see how many staff have ALREADY been “out with Covid” – I have no doubt it is a huge number, if only because the incentive is there to bullshit the system and get a free vacation]

The number of staff actually in need of a vaccination in the ENTIRE school system probably numbers around 40 or 50. That should take you all of a couple days to vaccinate. Ergo, “vaccinating the staff” is a bullshit excuse.

Novak: There Is No (Covid) Bubble at RG / French Open 2020 | Page 2 | Mens  Tennis Forums
COVID-19 much more fatal for men, especially taking age into account
Females are FAR less likely to die of Covid. The VAST majority of teachers are female. Do the math, Chane.

We will be consulting with other local officials and the local health authority“. Really?? Is that the same local health authority who, last year, said that wearing a cloth bandana was helpful in stopping the spread? Truth pill: WRONG – it’s not. Pardon me for not eternally bowing down before the local “authority”.


Kids in school are NOT a driver of Covid spread. Kids ARE NOT SPREADERS of this virus. Teachers are FAR more likely to be infected at home. The science is overwhelming.

Asymptomatic transmission is NOT a thing. It just doesn’t happen. If you have a class full of kids who appear perfectly healthy, chances are that they ARE perfectly healthy. On the very small chance one kid is “asymptomatic”, don’t get your panties in a bunch. You are not at risk from him either.

So, with a dozen reasons to get rid of the masks and ZERO reasons to keep them, why is a guy who is paid $170,000 per year to make good decisions for the school system so intent on making a VERY BAD decision?

Simple: he’s a bureaucrat. A very well-paid bureaucrat. Why do ANYTHING that even has an infinitesimal chance of upsetting HIS apple cart? Better to make 3,000 kids suffer needlessly and keep his cushy $170,000 paycheck (PLUS benefits for 9 months of work) than to have ONE kid die of something (anything – it doesn’t matter because it WILL be blamed on Covid even if the kid is 600 pounds and diabetic)? It’s WAY better (for HIM) to play it safe and keep his Nerf job and benefits.

I mean, here is a guy who, if it weren’t for this Nerf job, would probably be making $50,000 a year (with NO bennies) managing the local Verizon store. He has to realize, on some level, that he has won the lottery and has zero desire to fuck that up. Even if it means future problems for all these kids by forcing them to wear masks.

The FDA does the same thing. It’s why life-saving drugs are forced through a DECADE of bullshit testing rather than letting terminal patients volunteer to be guinea pigs and try an experimental drug. The FDA bureaucrat would rather avoid ONE public death from a drug it approved even if it means 10,000 die due to prohibition of the same drug. It is the SEEN bad effect versus the UNSEEN horrendous effect. The overpaid bureaucrat will choose to protect his own ass 100% of the time.

That is what we are seeing here. Just another sad example of bureaucrats putting themselves before the kids.

This Hysterical Dame Should Have Her Kids Taken Away

I can’t even tell you how mad this article made me. If you want to know the result of a year of fear propaganda and what it was done to people who are supposedly educated then read this awful piece. The neurosis and fear is almost too much to stomach.

Hysterical Dame Freaks Out Over Nothing

Speaking of idiot parents…..

Out of 5.8 million students in Texas, we still have about HALF still at home and remote learning!

We’ve also been informed that even if these remote learning kids fail the STAAR test in the younger grades, they “can move up to the next grade”.

Yes, you read that correctly. If your kid is actually going to school, working hard and learning so they can master skills and move up to the next grade, they are complete suckers and saps because the moron kid who stayed home in his pajamas and who failed the STAAR test will ALSO be moved up to the next grade.

It must be so awesome to work in the government school system. You get huge raises like “Doctor” Chane Rascoe (now getting $170,000 per year nine months PLUS huge benefits), you get more money thrown at you all the time just by uttering “it’s for the kids”, but you are also not held accountable for the kids actually learning anything.

I guess letting the failures move up to the next grade just like the kids who worked hard will teach the hard-working kids a valuable lesson: in America, the laziest and dumbest people get to the top these days. There is zero point in taking responsibility or working hard because The Powers That Be (usually in the government) are going to fuck you anyways. May as well just become a cart donkey like Bruce Haywood and other libtards.

Why pull the cart when everyone else is sitting in it and getting a free ride?