Remember Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdink) Who Was A Covid Cult Loon? He’s Dead Of Cancer.

Back during the height of the Covid Cult lunacy, I had more than a few shouting matches with a fat guy named Heath Bishop – who went by the nom de plume of Hubert Humperdink…

Dildo Who Spent 40 Years Transforming From Human To Humpback Whale Suddenly Worried About His Health

ManWhalePig Still Doesn’t Get That Masks Do Nothing – Chooses To Insult “Rednecks” Who DO Understand This

Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdick) Wrong Again

A Reminder That Hubert Drew First Blood

Ironically, Eve’s Cafe died not long after Hubert did.

Funny enough, Covid never killed old Hubert. But I’ll bet you a shiny new dime that he took multiple “vaccinations” and “boosters” that the government tricked him into…or maybe traded him a doughnut for.

Those vaccines are possibly causing the huge uptick in cancers in young people.

To quote Walter Sobchak in The Big Lebowski when he eulogized Donny:

“Goodnight, fat prince.”

One less Biden voter in 2024. Then again, a large percentage of them seem to vote from the grave.

P.S. – Before anyone feels angry at me highlighting Hubert dropping dead, here is a snippet of him wishing death on Gov Abbott…