Masks For Ordinary Flu Are Up Next…

Watch for the idiot Haywoods, Johnsons, Landrums and Fitzharrises of the world to demand this next:


This was obviously coming because it logically follows. Diapers for the ordinary flu, too…and – inevitably – for the common cold. For everything. Forever.

Diapers in perpetuity.

You can’t logically argue against it if you’ve already accepted the logic of Diapering everyone as a preventative measure against the WuFlu. Which is based on the assertion that anyone might be sick; that anyone could get sick. That someone might die if they get sick.

It’s all perfectly true.

And not just for the WuFlu. Anyone might get one of the many other varieties of flu; the common cold, too.

Someone might even die.

That almost no one who isn’t already bumping elbows with death (i.e., the very elderly and the very sick) will actually die – per the “science” – is politically irrelevant.

This business was never about sickness. If it were, the Diapers would have come off months ago, when the “science” knew that the WuFlu had an Infection Fatality Rate (which means, the number of people with serious symptoms who actually end up dead) about the same or even less than the usual flus.

Which, stated another way, means that everything that’s been imposed on the population wasn’t justified by the facts. That the news was good.

The media would have reported this – if it wasn’t programmed to spread fear instead. The government Gesundheitsfuhrers would have de-escalated what wasn’t necessary by any sane standard, if the standard was in fact public health – as opposed to something else.

The tautology is simple: If it wasn’t medically necessary to force-Diaper the population in previous flu years – which no non-hypochondriac ever suggested it was – then it is not necessary to force-Diaper the population now.

On the other hand, if it is necessary to force everyone to Diaper for the WuFlu then it is necessary to Diaper them for all flus. For everything that might get someone sick who might then die.

It doesn’t matter that Diapering people who aren’t sick and so can’t get anyone sick because “someone” – no one in particular – might be sick or could get sick is the same in terms of the moral principle it embodies as insisting that because a rape might happen and any functional man might be a rapist all men must be presumed potential rapists and made to wear a crotch Diaper.

Which is to say, silly – and evil.

But that’s just the point.

The Diapers must never come off – no matter how not-sick people actually are because the visual of perpetual sickness must never vanish – in order to keep the populace demoralized, alienated and under control, perpetually.

Assistant Secretary of the Army Bruce Jette said so just the other day, though he didn’t say it that way. Instead, he couched it in terms of the “new normal” – weaponized hypochondria:

“I would say we don’t back off the (WuFlu) standards (e.g., Diapering and Distancing) because it will also reduce the impact of flu and other illnesses.” He added: “I don’t see us backing off of using these same techniques even as the vaccine continues to mature.”

Italics added.

Even when Needled, they’ll still be Diapered.

Distanced, too. Because there will always be a flu, whether Wu or some other. The common cold isn’t going away and – somewhere, sometime, just maybe – a granny might die.

Ergo, the Diapers must never, ever come off.

But not because granny might die. That’s just the guilt-trip.

The seeing of faces is far too dangerous. That’s the real trip. The thing being vaccinated against. Every face must be the same face. Uniformity, literally – and speaking of that… the military knows all about the importance of everyone looking the same. The effacement of individuality, the creation of a submissively belligerent collective that follows orders without questions is the basis of all military training. This is appropriate in that context since an army has to move as one, on command. Its individual members must do as they are told, without question.

While this is just the Army speaking – and a mid-tier Army official doing the speaking – it is nonetheless still the government speaking and that ought to prick up the ears of everyone who is sick of Sickness Kabuki.

If soldiers – who are in the age bracket least affected by the WuFlu, being both young and fit – are to be force-Diapered henceforth it does not take a prophet to see where this insanity is headed.

The sad thing is those of us with a brain saw where this was headed five months ago and have fought tooth and nail against forced masks for the young and healthy. Meanwhile a gaggle of useful idiots like Melissa Johnson, Julie Landrum, Bruce Haywood, Hubert Humperdink and Stephanie Fitzharris (to name just a few mask nazis) are HELPING MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Their sad and desperate need to appear “caring” and to virtue signal their wokeness is directly leading to the downfall of this once great nation by eliminating basic freedoms and encouraging tyranny.

Hope you sleep well at night, you morons.