S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Has Been Violating Their Agreement With The City For YEARS. City Has Not Enforced Any Provisions – Despite Handing Them $185,000 In Taxpayer Money.

Why does the City bother to pay their hack attorney JC Brown $5,000 or $7,000 each time to draw up all these agreements when they are violated nonstop and the City never enforces them? We already saw this in 2023 with the Industrial Park agreement, where Martin’s Rod and Custom has ignored all provisions of their agreement with the City.

Now, we see it with the S2M2 Brodie Estates subdivision development agreement. S2M2 has neglected to file ANY paperwork with the City – as required by Section 5 of their agreement – as highlighted below:

In other words, once a year S2M2 is required to “certify in writing” (even without being requested to do so) their compliance with ALL provisions of the agreement. This is supposed to include documentation that the Brodie Estates subdivision “targets and development goals have been satisfied.”

So of course, I recently requested the annual certification letters submitted by S2M2 to fulfil this requirement. I was hoping that by looking at these documents, I could see exactly when this entire project went off the rails – because as of now, they have only built 6 or 7 houses in the last four years when they are REQUIRED (as a condition of the $185,000 in tax dollars they were handed) to build TWENTY-TWO HOUSES!

What was the answer from the City?

“There are no responsive documents to your request. This open records request is now closed.”

In other words: S2M2 has NEVER BOTHERED to file shit with the City over the last three-plus years…and the morons at the City haven’t bothered to check in on their $185,000 ‘investment’ of taxpayer monies:

City handed S2M2 $185,000 in September of 2020

This ENTIRE debacle was thanks to then-Mayor Misti Talbert and the geniuses who sat on council at the time (T.J. Monroe, Randy Clark, Chuck Williamson, Delana Toups, Cathy Kuehne and Mike White).

For a reminder of how it all went down, here is the article I wrote back in October of 2020:

City Hands Former Council Member “Greasy” Chris Harrison and Developer S2M2 $185,000 In City Funds For Brodie Estates

I wonder if anyone on City council will ask any tough questions over this. My guess is the usual “no.”