Socialist Vermin Insists The Crappy Economy Is All Your Imagination Because You Are A Stupid Right Winger.

The economy is awesome! You are just too stupid to see it because you are a right-wing moron who is blinded by irrational hatred of the Great Joe Biden!

You know all those thousands of 20-something, pink-haired, nose-ring-having far-left idiots on TikTok raging about food inflation? They are actually far-right MAGA losers who are too stupid to see how great things ACTUALLY are!

Your car, home, health and business insurance going up 20% or 30% recently? You are imagining that shit – it didn’t really happen. But if it DID happen, it’s just “greedy” CEOs causing it.

Are you one of the 17% of utility rate payers behind on their bills because household heating costs have skyrocketed over 20% as residential utility debt hit a new record of $20.3 billion?? You are clearly just a deluded GOP imbecile!

In fact, the economy is SO awesome that the very same socialist clown who tells you how awesome the economy is, happens to be the SAME socialist clown who is simultaneously telling us that kids will starve to death if they don’t get more welfare from those of us footing the ever-growing bills….

He is also the same socialist clown who tells us that in this incredible economy with “historically low unemployment,” all the super-duper “most educated generation EVER” college graduates actually need their debt paid like helpless babies by the taxpayer, because they can’t afford pay back their loan or put a roof over their heads!

Yes, yes. The economy is fantastic, Biden just has a stutter, January 6th was the greatest threat to the nation in our history, women can have penises, men can menstruate, morons who can’t count to 10 can make great air-traffic controllers, the border is secure, Hunter Biden is an incredible artist, pinwheels can provide all the electrical needs of a first-world economy, only whites can be racist, up is down, black is white and bigger government with higher taxes will make this country great!!