Free Advice To Peanut Gallery

Some of the people I go after on this blog don’t like it one bit. They probably feel very stupid that I use THEIR OWN POSTS against them. I take PUBLICLY POSTED REMARKS by some very dumb people and then rip them to shreds for being hypocrites, morons or incompetent buffoons. I do this using meticulous logic, facts, public records (available to ANYONE) as well as links to documents and photos…and clips of THIER OWN STATEMENTS they have posted PUBLICLY for anyone to see.

(One of the biggest websites in the world is built upon people calling each other out for hypocrisy and lies – it is called Twitter and that speech is protected under the First Amendment. At least for now, until libtards shut it all down.)

You want to call me an asshole for this? Go right ahead! I call myself an asshole. It’s been in the TITLE OF THIS BLOG for 2.5 years, you nitwit. Call me names all you want. It bothers me not a bit. I can take it.

When you attempt – and fail – to refute my logic and facts, go ahead and call me names again because you are frustrated by losing the issue on facts. It doesn’t bother me a bit. This is because I value the opinions of progressive Marxist clowns about as much as I value a smeared turd on the sole of my boot.

But going BEYOND this is a huge legal no-no. Melissa Johnson in particular has said “he was served papers for stalking children. Ouch. That is what’s known as a 100% falsehood. I call it defamatory and libelous. FALSELY and publicly telling an audience of thousands that somebody has been in trouble with the law for “stalking children” is a serious crime. It is the worst lie you can tell to destroy a man’s reputation and can result in that person being unemployable for the rest of his life.

You know what that means? It means that man has an airtight, knock-down lawsuit for defamation and libel combined with a large cash settlement for loss of earning power. A top-notch lawyer (which I can definitely afford) could put you into the poor house for making such ridiculous (and easily disproved) claims.

I’ve never been “served papers” for stalking anyone in my life – let alone a CHILD. That’s a disgusting and very serious accusation and you better damn well have evidence to back up your defamatory claims. Of course, no such evidence exists – which means you might be in very deep shit, my friend.

I suggest that anyone accusing me of ANY crime do their homework first. I have a spotless record. I have never been in trouble for ANYTHING, let alone stalking.

My only ‘crime’ is being an asshole to those I disagree with.

I have ALSO never EVER sicced a lawyer on ANYONE for a “cease and desist” for calling me names. Ever. This is another 100% lie told by Melissa Johnson. If you have evidence of such a “cease and desist” from me or from an attorney hired by me, feel free to post that evidence on the Internet for all to see.

You can’t. Because I’ve never sent a cease and desist to anyone in my life.

In fact, I’ll publicly state right now that IF any of you nitwits in the peanut gallery can produce a “cease and desist” order from this blog, from me or from a lawyer I hired, I will donate $10,000 to the re-election campaign of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AND I will shove a live salmon up my ass on YouTube.

Should be easy enough, right? Produce the “cease and desist” you keep lying about and it’ll cost me $10,000 and a live fish up the ass on YouTube.

I’m giving Melissa Johnson 24 hours to remove her libelous and defamatory post about me “being served papers for stalking children” or I WILL be siccing a lawyer on someone for the first time in my life.

I promise you it will not be pretty – ESPECIALLY since you have just been warned you are spreading defamatory statements that are 100%, easily provable LIES.

If you choose to keep your statements up anyways, well, then it just makes it worse for you since you are now KNOWLINGLY doing so.

You can call me any names you want...but falsely telling the world I am a criminal is absolute and utter horseshit. I don’t take it lightly.