Branch Covidians Fail At Math

I knew the average American was completely inept at basic math, but this REALLY takes the cake. I find it unsurprising that idiot liberals (who traffic in emotion and fail at math) are falling for this mask nonsense the hardest of all.

New poll shows Americans think 9% of people have died of COVID19, that is MORE THAN 200 TIMES THE ACTUAL NUMBER!!!!

Of course, 9% of America would be about 30 million people dead. How stupid can you be? It boggles the mind.

I also read a story about a guy talking to his buddy in Oregon (liberal haven). The Oregon resident insisted that 80,000 Oregonians have died of Wuhan Flu. The actual number is more like 400.

We are literally living in a society where morons cannot process the difference between 400 and 80,000. Unfortunately, the morons are loud and in charge. Any attempt to refute their stupidity with actual facts is shouted down as you are called a “grandma killer”.

These people need to be slapped in the head until they are knocked back into reality. I see no other way to resolve this.

Also, any assholes throwing hot coffee or spraying mace into the faces of the maskless should be beaten until they are a pulp on the ground.

People wonder why I detest liberals with every bone in my body. THIS is why. They yammer about Trump being a “facist” but THEY are the ones who will be loading people into train cars for not bowing to their moronic demands.

MLM Cult Aspects

It is very funny to watch the MLM members circle the wagons to defend against any dissent, logic, reason or facts. This is EXACTLY what cult members do when someone tries to talk sense to them.

One of the reasons why MLM reps defend their company so passionately is that they use cult-like tactics to recruit and retain people, something MLM campaigner David Brear has long argued. Here are just some ways MLMs are like cults:

  • Just like a cult, MLMs offer the promise of a utopian-like existence (in this case making easy money working from home doing what you love, and making new friends).
  • Just like a cult many MLMs are led by a god-like figurehead, or have equally worshipped key figures high up.
  • Just like a cult they have unscientific, mysterious secrets to success (for example, mindset and the law of attraction). If you fail to be successful you’ll be told you had a negative mindset or just didn’t work hard enough – it’s always your fault, not the flawed model.
  • Just like a cult they encourage alienation from any dissenting voices, even from family and friends. So if a friend tries to make you see sense, you’ll be told they’re negative or jealous of your success.  [ya’ll just jealous haters!!]
  • Just like a cult they use unnecessarily complex structures to hide the truth of their business model. Hence PQVs and seemingly endless status levels, like ‘Purple’, ‘Diamond’ and ‘Crown Princess’. [or COR12, COR80 and COR200, lol]
  • Just like cults they use shame and fear to recruit. If you don’t join you’re a ‘wage slave’ trapped in a job you hate on the conventional work-retire-die treadmill.
  • Just like a cult they use fear to control. When one high status rep left, all her ‘friends’ in the MLM were warned not to talk to her. She was also discredited and slandered through the spreading of untrue rumors.
  • Just like a cult they have an authoritarian grip over their reps. If you question anything you’re shamed for not ‘believing’ or ‘trusting’.
  • Just like a cult they use the moral high ground as a cover or diversion – often by associating themselves with a charity or starting their own. [or maybe praying for all the evil, jealous haters!]
  • Just like a cult, MLM recruits often appear to go through a sudden change in personality. One example is the relentless positive social media posts they make. They are not allowed to be ‘negative’ (or even just real).

And finally, just like a cult, MLMs can only exist with unquestioning devotion. If you examine them using cold, hard facts [like their income disclosure statements – have any of you requested income disclosure statements from CorVive? I did. They refused to send me one] they just don’t make sense as a viable business proposition.

This is why they so often use emotion and deflection to shut down any argument. Just try to have an open, honest conversation with someone in an MLM, or the MLM themselves and you’ll discover how hard it is to get facts out of them!

Indeed, we have no doubt that if you show this to a friend in an MLM they’ll dismiss it as lies, rubbish or negativity. But ask them to factually rebut each point and they won’t be able to. They’ll tell you how amazing their own experience is, or that their MLM is different. But it’s not.

CorVive Clown Con-Man Carnival Barker Spewing B.S. Left and Right

It sure appears as if the carnival barkers at the top of the CorVive MLM pecking order are very comfortable spouting outright lies and also violating their own “Policies and Procedures” as listed here. 

I’ll give CorVive one thing: their “Policies and Procedures” was clearly written by an army of lawyers who want to protect the guys at the top from the Federal Trade Commission as well as any civil lawsuits from unhappy suckers.

He also appears to later violate Section 9 “Earnings Representations” – but we’ll get to that.

The offender is none other than a CorVive clown named James West, who carries the title Cor200. Much like the Scientology cult, CorVive members are moved up the ladder with these ridiculous numbers, which seem to denote how many other cult members he/she has recruited – people in town have publicly crowed about being “Cor4” and “Cor12” – so this James “Jimmy” West is obviously high up and got in on the CorVive scam early since he carries the august title of Cor200.

Jimmy West also intimates that he is close personal friends with the slime ball founder of CorVive Jeremy Fouts. In the video, West claims Fouts didn’t feel well and asked James West to do the Facebook presentation on January 15th at 6:31pm.

I will make my best attempt to link to the video or embed here – I DO have a preserved recording of the video on my personal phone in case somebody with an IQ over 85 realizes how bad this is and takes it down to avoid legal troubles.

The very first thing I have noticed about the carnival barker James West Cor200 is that all his videos are shot from a bizarre angle that only shows his head. I think this is because he is probably morbidly obese, and who the hell would buy nutritional supplements from a huge fat guy? Well, a lot of people, as it turns out. This town is full of them. But let’s get to his ridiculous health claims for these miracle products, shall we?

At the 3:14 mark of the video, James claims “68% of all women in the U.S. are overweight, and the number one reason: they’re not passing waste through their system…and that’s what the CorRenew [product] is gonna do it’s going help promote proper digestion…it helps remove toxins, chemicals, impurities, uh, uh, through proper, uh, elimination… helps support the immune function, guys, and I’m telling you, that product everybody needs, because I’m telling you, we don’t eat the right diets…we don’t have the right digestion.”

Holy christ!!! Can you jam more lies into a single run-on sentence? I doubt it. THIS is the kind of carnival-barking clown you trust with your health? These are all demonstrable lies….lies from a guy who appears to be near the top of this scheme and also good friends with the scum bag founder, Jeremy Fouts! So, tell me again how this ISN’T a giant scam? My god. If you are jumping in with this idiot, you need to have your head examined.

First of all, the leading cause of obesity is NOT “failure to pass waste through your system”. The cause is eating too much and not exercising enough. Period. NOWHERE in ANY scientific literature is the lead cause of people being fat “failure to pass waste” because “we don’t have the right digestion”. It’s not the second or third-leading cause either. It isn’t even on the list of causes. It is fabricated bullshit from a carnival barker and huckster running a nice scam. James West just made his first of many lies.

Luckily, James West the carnival barker has just the thing to get rid of all those unnamed “toxins, chemicals and impurities” – he just happens to be selling it! (I can’t tell you the price! PM me!). Please Jimmy…tell me what “toxins and chemicals and impurities” your CorVive product removes. Then tell me the mechanism of this removal. You can’t. Because it is a bald-faced lie.

“It supports the immune function, guys”. Really? Which part, Jimmy? Leukocytes? Lymphocytes? B-cells? T-cells? Can you even SPELL “T-cell”? NONE of these claims are supported by a shred of evidence…we just have to take Jimmy’s word for this.

“We don’t have the right digestion”. Ridiculous, outrageous and preposterous lie. I guess the human race has been digesting food incorrectly for tens of thousands of years and the CorVive product called CorRenew will correct this evolutionary oversight. Thank God a fat moron on YouTube informed me of this! He seems quite knowledgeable about biology and physics. I MUST overpay for this product…NOW…so I can “get in on the ground floor” of this fine company and join this gaggle of charlatans awesome team!

More Jimmy West b.s. coming soon!!