Crybabies Still Losing It Over Deadbeats Being Forced To Pay Back Loans. Local Socialist Posts Sob Story But Leaves Out Important Details.

The little socialist is active today! You see, when you are a VIRTUAL rancher on your computer as opposed to a REAL rancher out in the field, you can re-tweet commie shit all day long from the air-conditioned comfort of mom’s upstairs bedroom.

Really? How sad. STILL not my problem, lady.

BREAKING NEWS: Woman spends more than she makes!

Poor Alessandra. Sucks at math and doesn’t understand compound interest…which is probably why she became a lawyer in the first place.

I’m guessing she sucks at lawyering too, because just six years after graduating law school, she decided to go into politics. That’s right – she has been a NY state senator since 2018. So instead of putting her degree to good use and climbing the corporate ladder to make bank, she pulled a Clayton Tucker and decided to go the parasitic route.

Well, not ENTIRELY like Clayton Tucker. Biaggi actually got elected and makes $79,000 per year from her position. She also doesn’t live with her mom.

Furthermore, Biaggi is married and has no kids. She and her husband are DINKS (double-income, no kids).

Why did she go to a very expensive private school in one of the most expensive cities in the United States? To get into the rich kids’ club who network among themselves to gate-keep political advantage. She was going to school to become a politician.

So her “woe is me, I can’t afford to pay off my loans” should ACTUALLY be “I couldn’t hack it in the real world so instead of making $250k per year as a real lawyer in New York, I went into politics and make $79,000 doing absolutely nothing. Apparently my husband is also a fucking loser because between the two of us (and no kids) we somehow haven’t been able to pay off my loans over an entire decade.”

Oh, and this socialist scum somehow afforded a $1.4 million house:

Global warming, socialism, Russia hoax, and now the “poor student can’t afford their loan” hoax – as usual, Comrade Clayton is hoodwinked by a false story. LOL. What a maroon!!

I guess the country is lucky she didn’t become a finance professor.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA – suckers!!!!!