“Crime Is Going Down! Derp Derp” Says Soy Boy Who Lives In Mom’s Womb and Believes Gov Propaganda.

It’s hard to believe anyone is so uninformed or naive as local socialist Clayton Tucker, but evidence abounds daily:

What Comrade Clayton either doesn’t know or doesn’t bother to tell you (probably the former) is that fully ONE THIRD of national police agencies (6,097 of them) have not bothered to report their numbers since 2021.

As you can see, major crime-ridden shit holes like LA and NY are among them.

That might skew the “statistics” a bit, no?

NYC serious crimes hit levels unseen in two decades last year even as Mayor Adams claims ‘crime is down’

Serious crime spiked again last year to levels unseen in nearly two decades, according to internal NYPD data obtained by The Post — even as Mayor Eric Adams has repeatedly claimed that “crime is down” in the Big Apple.

For the second year in a row under Adams, overall crime was on the rise — driven by a historic surge in assaults, which neared 28,000 for the first time in the city’s publicly recorded history, according to the police department’s rolling report.

But to soy boy pussies who live in a small town in mom’s upstairs bedroom, the country is “doing just fine!” under Biden. Of course, some people on the border might disagree…

You know what would make a GREAT reality TV show? I would pay big money to see this: put Comrade Clayton in a “Black Lives Matter” t-shirt with his stupid fake cowboy hat on and let him loose on the South Side of Chicago at around 11pm on a Saturday night. We could give him a clipboard and have him ask all the nice black males how much their lives have improved under Joe Biden.

THAT would be hilarious. Unfortunately, the “season” would only last about 22% of one episode and then be cancelled because comrade Clayton would be on a gurney or in the morgue before the first commercial break. Stupid asshole.

They play other games to manipulate the data, too:

Black Illegal Immigrant Who Stabbed Family Of Four To Death Labeled As “White” In Monroe County Jail Roster

This is the “white” guy who murdered entire family.