Now to go get some egg rolls…

Exposer of Waste in City Government – Destroyer of Marxist Lice
Now to go get some egg rolls…
[Editor note: I’m aware a lot of my images are not lining up in the center of the page despite being labeled as centered on my editor. Driving me nuts as some stay centered and others randomly align left – and it looks like shit, I’m aware. Reading all this on a smartphone instead of desktop helps. Working on a fix. Sorry. It takes a ton of time to root out shit like this and I’m illiterate with this software.]
Desperation is a stinky cologne.
Most people are sick of hearing about Pandas and Wongs. They are content to just watch this place fail by next Valentine’s Day. But not the hard-core Mercer-naries and apologists who are splattering desperately enthusiastic reviews all over LCBN…
There were multiple postings like this. A very desperate attempt to bail out the sinking ship. The worst part is that after all this nonsense, now I’m going to have to go in there, look around and very publicly turn my nose up at “this Chinese rat food” and walk out of there making a scene. After using their toilet to take my saved-up-for-three-days morning dump, of course.
Because that’s how I doos it.
Anyhow, this nutjob Mercer-nary is REALLY angry!
He truly helps the community? How, exactly? I know he was on the board of directors for Boys and Girls Club when they wildly overpaid about $150,000 for a new playground set that looked like it should have cost half that. Makes me wonder if he was lining his own pockets. I also know he was accused of wage theft and Lonestar Social Services was shut down for “financial irregularities” – despite Lonestar taking $325,000 of taxpayer monies during Covid and never paying it back.
Of course, this same woman was also singing the praises of Heritage Funeral Home last August – right about the time the entire Lonestar thing blew up. That would be the same Heritage that was listed to be foreclosed upon three days ago but was mysteriously cancelled “due to weather.”
Want more dirt? I got it.
I have it on solid authority that Happy Panda made a VERY concerted effort to poach the main cook from Putter & Gutters recently. Apparently he laughed in their face and told Panda they couldn’t afford him. I wonder how long it will take for Fulton to tire of being in the Panda kitchen non-stop to keep things running? Methinks Fulton doesn’t have the first clue about the dedication it takes to run a restaurant. It’s not like your other 37 shell companies you stick your name on and run some possibly weird financial scams with.
My over/under on Panda shutdown is February 2025. I only give it that long because now that this whole place has become a spectacle, Fulton/Mercer ego will not allow it to shut anytime soon – even if it is a financial disaster. I guess they could always “funnel” some money from an adoption agency or something!
In other unrelated restaurant news: rumor is Eve’s Cafe will be re-opening with a new owner. Think LBM.
Also Country Kitchen is supposedly changing hands…and will be taken over by a well-known restauranteur in town.
P.S. – I’m STILL waiting for those police arrests of Wong for all his “perverted” behavior! Mercer promised we will all be enlightened soon! Any day now! Just you wait! The truth will soon be revealed!!