Yet Another Study Shows Covid Cult Idiots Wrong About School Transmission of Virus

Remember two years ago when a lot of morons were losing their minds over Covid and were trying desperately to prevent a return to normal in-person learning?

Your son was terrified because of YOUR stupidity, Veronica! Nice job.

As usual, the ridiculous hysteria was generated by mostly middle-aged, dim-witted liberal females…plus Bruce Haywood:

City council member and art teacher Cathy “Pork Chop” Kuehne even informed everyone at a City council meeting:

“Personally, besides doing City council, I’m a teacher…and I put myself at risk every day”

Such bravery! Such fortitude! Such nonsense!!

Ah yes. That “deadly plague” that was indistinguishable from allergies. The poor woman.

Well, there is now yet ANOTHER massive study that shows what the “conspiracy theory nuts” were saying all along:

Kids Almost Never Transmitted COVID In Schools; Major New Study Finds

Children almost never passed Covid infections in school, a study published Friday reveals.

In fall 2021, in four Massachusetts school districts with 18,000 children, researchers found 44 potential cases of in-school transmission.

You read that right.

18,000 students. 34 schools. Four months. And 44 Covid infections – including no infections of teachers or other staff members.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, as parents pressed with increasing urgency to reopen classrooms, teachers unions and Democratic politicians warned in-school Covid transmission would lead to waves of death. “Teachers are so worried about returning to school that they’re preparing wills,” CNN infamously wrote on July 16, 2020.

In reality, schools were among the safest possible places for students and teachers during Covid, this study suggests.

Of course, I will NEVER be satisfied until Fauci is in jail or hanging from a rope (with Walensky swinging right next to him) AND until every moron in town who thought letting kids sit home in pajamas and “learn” on an iPad Zoom meeting gets locked into some stockades for an entire weekend on the town square so the rest of us can throw rotten tomatoes at them.

There needs to be a reckoning, because the damage these idiots did was FAR too great to let them slink off into the weeds like the weasels they are.

Never forget who the Covid cult nuts and Covid rats were: Bruce Haywood, Clayton Tucker, Julie Cain Landrum, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris, Lee Morley, Lola Barnes, Jennifer Sanchez (Moreno), Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson, Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdink), Cathy Kuehne.

Dancing COVID Nurses Who Supported Draconian Mandates Switch To Climate Change.

Perhaps one of the most unsettling narrative relationships during the covid pandemic lockdowns was the assertion by various governments, think-tanks and media pundits that the mandates weren’t just good for “stopping the spread,” they were also good for “saving the environment” from what they claim will be inevitable Apocalyptic climate change.  While the covid agenda has all but disappeared thanks to millions of people and half the states in the US rejecting the restrictions, climate hysteria is still alive and well.  

One of the most obnoxious trends in covid propaganda was the constant TikTok dance videos.  Dancing politicians, dancing talk show hosts and dancing nurses all telling us to comply while frolicking around like maniacs.  Well, it’s not over, because the dancing covid nurses are back, and now they’re here to tell us that accepting carbon controls is just as important as the mandates.

Beyond the numerous question on how nurses managed to have time to make so many group TikToks if the hospitals were “overrun” with patients dying of covid as the media asserted for the first year of the pandemic, we must also ask:  If they lied about the effectiveness of the mandates, why should we listen to them about climate change? 

Not one draconian policy enforced by governments made any difference whatsoever in the transmission of the covid virus.  The lockdowns were pointless.  The masks were pointless. Social distancing was pointless.  And the official median Infection Fatality Rate of covid is a mere 0.23%, which means that 99.8% of people were never under any threat from the disease anyway.  These facts were well known by medical professionals by early 2021, yet many of them continued to push the mandates.

Invariably, as the summer heats up so does the hype surrounding climate controls which would do little or nothing to shift the existing state of the Earth’s temps.  “Record temps” are often touted, but these records are limited to a short time from of around 140 years of official data (since the 1880s). 

But what about before then?  When we look at the real history of the Earth’s climate, the temps today are incredibly mild.  Not only that, but the global warming events of the past all occurred without human involvement.

One has to wonder, if this is the case, why are no carbon control proponents or climate scientists talking about it?  Is the situation much like covid, where they tell you to “believe the science” except for the science that contradicts their claims? 

And let’s not forget, these same people have been telling us the Earth is on the verge of burning for a very long time.

Or was it freezing? I forget….

People stopped idolizing nurses after the pandemic scare.  Dancing for the climate feels more like a desperate act to regain relevancy, rather than legitimate activism.   

All of the morons pushing “global warming” now and telling us to live like cavemen to “save the planet” are just watermelons: green on the outside but commie red on the inside as they seek “climate justice” – which is just another name for communism.

Beware! It will “devistate” [sic] us all!!!

Reminder: There are ZERO solar panels or wind turbines at Comrade Clayton’s parents’ house where he lives or at grandpa’s “ranch” where he pretends to be a cowboy/farmer. Hypocrite!

Reminder: commie piece of shit Obama doesn’t seem too worried about rising sea levels either at his 6,892-square-foot mansion with seven bedrooms and 8.5 bathrooms at Martha’s Vineyard. Hypocrite!

Two Years Ago: Reviewing Covid Morons

It’s been nearly two years since a lot of idiots in town (mostly liberals) lost their minds over Covid. The first few weeks were forgivable – we had no clue what we were dealing with. By mid-April, it became obvious very quickly that this was being blown WILDLY out of proportion and only the very old and/or sickly were truly at risk.

That didn’t stop a bunch of idiots like Melissa Johnson, Julie Cain Landrum, Jennifer Moreno, Karen Spivey-Cummings and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris from becoming hysterical as their feeble minds broke under the barrage of CNN propaganda.

I hate to say it, but middle-aged females (plus Bruce Haywood) fell for this bullshit the hardest and kept the stupidity alive for another 22 months or so. They were the ones throwing coffee in peoples’ faces and screaming about masks until they were blue in the face. They were the ones riding around in cars by themselves with masks on.


I really question if we should allow them to vote in the future.

I’ll be reviewing some of these morons over the next few months – both for amusement factor and to remind EVERYONE never to listen to these clowns again. About anything.

Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson was one of the biggest offenders. I’ve written about her extensively. But here is a gem I found about her pontificating on the schools re-opening in the fall of 2020. Mind you, this moron does NOT EVEN HAVE SCHOOL-AGED KIDS and should have kept her fat mouth shut to begin with.

Let’s see how her rantings have held up over time:

“Just as well if not better than classrooms”? Absolutely, 10,000% wrong. You could not BE more wrong. Remote learning (which Bruce Haywood also demanded) was an unmitigated disaster. Millions of kids’ lives have been ruined and their educations set back YEARS – some will never recover. Melissa and Bruce don’t really care about that. That’s because they are selfish assholes and terrible people.

“Their lives are at risk”. No they weren’t. In fact, females (who comprise a huge majority of teachers) are at far LESS risk than men when it comes to Covid deaths. Women under 45 are at greater risk of being killed in a car accident than by Covid. We knew this early on but morons like Melissa chose to ignore it. So did morons like Cathy Kuehne (ANOTHER middle-aged female!)

Along with those of children“. Spectacularly wrong again. Your child is more likely to get eaten by a bear than die of Covid. This was DEFINITELY known early on, but scumbag teachers’ unions used fearmongering to avoid going back to work. Imbeciles like Melissa Johnson enabled it and cheer leaded it by spreading MISINFORMATION back in 2020.

“I pray I am wrong”. Don’t worry dear, you were and always are. No surprises there.

“Sounds like a huge disaster”. It wasn’t. Thank god nobody listened to the Crazy Cane Lady and shut down schools in the fall. School started up in August 2020 and ZERO kids or teachers died.

That includes the terrified school teacher Cathy “Pork Chop” Kuehne:

#Wear your mask! Even though it does nothing! I caught Covid anyways…or maybe it was allergies. Mmmmm, I like pork chops!

Of course, if we HAD listened to these clowns, the harm would have been MASSIVE. Crazy Cane Lady would have later crawled off into the tall weeds and pretended she never said all this and it wouldn’t have effected her anyways. Which is why we ignore clowns like Crazy Cane Lady and it’s why idiots like her are in charge of NOTHING but their own miserable lives, thankfully.

“I really want to be wrong”. Guess what? You were. Spectacularly so. Please refrain from giving advice in the future about ANYTHING. You lack brains, logic, and critical thinking skills. Please also refrain from voting. Thanks.


Hopes that “covid will go away if Biden wins the election” are incorrect. The lies will get more aggressive and the power grabs more intense.

This is far too good a crisis to let go to waste and this is not a gang that wastes crises.

Take this lying sack of lib-shit, for instance:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Gov. Cuomo says politicians will take ‘different tone’ on COVID-19 after Trump loss.

Mencken once quipped “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it, good and hard.”

For those who voted for more covid clampdown: get ready. Here it comes.

And remember, this is what you wanted. Do NOT come crying about it later.