Here are the last three reports as posted by our Mayor:

Over a nine day period, they conducted 501 tests (55 tests per day) and the number of active cases DROPPED massively from 39 to 12.
The only way this could happen is a bunch of “actives” dropped off the list as they recovered and then not nearly as many new cases were added to take their place. There is no way to know how many of each, but even if we take the WORST case scenario – all of the original 39 recovered and there are 12 brand new active cases – that gives us 12/501 positivity rate….or 2.4% positivity rate.
All this masking and panic and stupidity from the likes of Fitzharris and Haywood because of a TWO POINT FOUR PERCENT positivity rate.
Zero new hospitalizations. Zero new deaths.
[Of course, it is ALSO possible that they had ZERO positives in those 501 tests and simply had 27 “actives” recover, leaving us with 12 active cases. Which would give us a positivity rate of ZERO. That would be the BEST case scenario. We have no way of knowing]
You maskholes feeling silly yet?
FURTHERMORE, Governor Wheelchair recently decided to make Lampasas schools guinea pigs for the “free tests for people who feel perfectly fine but want to screw everyone with false positives“. This past week was the first week of testing using the BinaxNOW COVID Rapid Ag test. According to the Radiogram, 42 perfectly healthy asymptomatic LISD staff members volunteered to take the test.
Guess how many tested positive?
One out of 42 is a positivity rate of….wait for it….ALSO 2.4%
Care to guess what the false positive rate of the BinaxNOW COVID Rapid Ag test is? It is “between 1.5% and 3%” according to AAAS.
Correct me if I am wrong, but “my calculations show” (a little homage there to Mayor Talbert!) Lampasas recent positivity rate of 2.4% is RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE of the “false positive range”.
One might also wonder: “why in the hell would ANYBODY who feels perfectly healthy and asymptomatic go and get one of these tests?”. I certainly wondered that. Are they all moron hypochondriacs? Are they just assholes who want to see our “active case” number get jacked with false positives? Does Bruce Haywood go in there 10 times a day?
Well, there is another explanation: perhaps they want some PAID TIME OFF! Get a positive test then get forced to take two weeks off of work. PAID!
Perhaps some unscrupulous school employees have figured this out. Hell, what’s stopping them from getting tested every week until they invariably hit the jackpot and get a false positive?
This entire thing is totally insane.