The Great Unmasking.

Covid was “The Great Sorting” – you found out the people who would turn on you. Your liberal Aunt Julie who wouldn’t let you come over without a vax card is someone who will hand you over to the FBI without hesitation.

It separated those of us who are comfortable being hated for doing what’s right and those who will do anything to be included.

I consider us lucky that it happened so we are now forewarned. When the communists took over in China, people only discovered who would rat them out as it was happening…which was too late.

It was also a test to see how much freedom could be taken away without us losing our shit. Unfortunately for most, it turned out to be quite a bit.

You now know who’s who. No matter how many years pass, don’t forget it.

Notorious Morons All Silent As Fauci Emails Prove Us “Conspiracy Theorists” Correct

Back from a week vacation and ready to rip Covid Cult morons to shreds once again.

The silence is DEAFENING from the likes of Heath Bishop, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris, Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Lola Barnes, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Julie Cain Landrum and the rest as Fauci’s emails are released to the public.

Oh, what’s that, Fauci Muppet? If you feel perfectly fine you DON’T need a mask? Gee. You don’t say.

It’s been a hell of a week. While I was away, more and more studies have concluded that (1) lockdowns did NOTHING to prevent the virus spreading, (2) masks are ineffective and (3) The “lab leak” theory appears to be more and more likely and there is evidence Fauci buried it.

NOW, we have Fauci caught red-handed lying over and over again. Thank God for Judicial Watch and all their FOIA requests. I think I’ll donate yet another chunk of money to them today. They are a fantastic organization.

What do you mask loons like Covid Rat Julie Cain Landrum have to say NOW?

An apology would be nice. Even better would be to put you in the stocks in the town square and throw rotten tomatoes at you for the weekend, you absolute loser morons.

But no. All we get is crickets. I don’t think they are even embarrassed about being so wrong all the time. They are completely unaware of their own idiocy.

Very sad.

Americans’ “Delusional Psychosis” Over COVID-19 Endangers Liberty

The “hysteria” surrounding COVID-19 is causing Americans to police themselves for lockdown and mask violations for fear their neighbors or relatives will turn on them, a situation “similar to communist China,” a California psychiatrist warned recently.

“We don’t need a police force. We don’t need a secret Stasi to go after the neighbor that isn’t wearing his mask on a park bench. We have families who are willing to do that,” Dr. Mark McDonald, a child and adolescent psychiatrist in West Lost Angeles, said during the Truth Over Fear Summit, a virtual conference on the coronavirus organized by broadcaster Patrick Coffin.

“We have office workers [who] will come by and mace you if you are not wearing a mask, and no one will come to your rescue,” McDonald continued. “In fact, they’ll probably applaud it.”

In McDonald’s professional opinion, the fear that the government and the media have instilled in so many Americans has “become so entrenched that it has reached a state of what I would call delusional psychosis.”

“Fear has become a new virtue. Never before in the history of this country have we told people that fear is good” or to “settle into” those fears and allow them “to control and constrain your life,” he said.

McDonald pointed out that while many Americans believe that everyone is equally at risk of contracting and dying from COVID-19, “it is a lie.” In fact, the only group of people at serious risk of death from the virus is those over age 70, particularly those with multiple comorbidities. Everyone else has at least a 99.5-percent chance of surviving the disease, and even the elderly stand a 94.6-percent chance.

Despite the fact that such information is readily accessible, many Americans continue to be unreasonably afraid of COVID-19 to the point that the “hysteria” is creating a situation of “group control,” whereby those who aren’t afraid of the virus nevertheless find themselves donning masks or social distancing in an effort to avoid confrontations with their panicked friends and neighbors, McDonald argued.

To illustrate his point, McDonald related some anecdotes from his own life. LifeSiteNews recounted them thus:

During a recent flight on Delta Airlines, a “furious” flight attendant “castigated me” for drinking water for more than three minutes, and continued to “hound” him throughout the flight, McDonald related.

When the plane reached its destination, McDonald was “escorted off” and interviewed by a station manager. Two weeks later, he received a letter from Delta banning him from flights “in perpetuity,” or until the airline withdrew its mask mandate.

Moreover, McDonald was later told by the person he was traveling with that “all the passengers erupted into applause” after he was escorted off the plane, because “their anxiety was relieved by me being punished for not appropriately wearing the mask as requested, as demanded.”

During another flight, McDonald went to the galley for some water, and an attendant on her break offered to get him some, but was berated by an on-duty flight attendant for not wearing a mask.

McDonald said he was “stunned” by this behavior on the part of passengers and crew.

“So the end result of this: what appears to me is a country which is using its own citizens as a de facto police force, very similar to communist China, that has a social point system in place where neighbor informs on neighbor, family informs on family,” he said.

[Gee…we have Covid Rats right here in Lampasas!]

“This has a terribly damaging effect on our society.”

Because of Americans’ “delusional psychosis,” McDonald refers to the space outside his home or office as the “outdoor insane asylum,” where he must assume “that any person that I run into is insane” unless the person proves otherwise.

Some of the threats posed by coronavirus hysteria can be reduced by removing tyrannical governors and mayors and electing pro-liberty candidates, McDonald maintained, “but we need a virtuous populace as well, not just a virtuous governing body.”

“We need a people who believe in and cherish freedom as a virtue, rather than fear. Never before in the history of this country has fear been enshrined as a virtue. If it stays this way and we don’t address it and redress it, we are lost.”

Another Covid Rat Crawls Out And Squeaks

Julie Cain Landrum has a fellow Covid Rat to nibble cheese with now. I give you Christopher McDaniel. Instead of having a pair of balls between his legs and saying something to this poor bastard about ‘jeopardizing the health of his customers’ (LOL!), he chooses to blast it all over LCBN like a pussy instead:

Hey Chris? Why don’t you and Landrum and all the other scared rabbits just go on Amazon and purchase a full Tyvek suit so you never have to worry about any of this bullshit and leave the rest of us alone? I’m beeing 100% serious here. Go buy a spacesuit, asswipe. What is stopping you? Are you afraid you’ll look stupid? Well, you’ve done that to yourself already with this post.

Clearly you are too moronic to read the facts and learn that this “deadly plague” is no worse than the flu for those under 70. If you are OVER that age and obese, then you are at higher risk: so be a big boy and take measures for yourself by putting a spacesuit on. Don’t cry like a bitch that everyone else needs to wear a face diaper.

That advice also goes for scared rabbits who ride motorcycles, like Lee Morey – who is cut from the Melissa Johnson mold and wants to signal his virtue to us all and let us know how much he cares about everyone else:

Lee is super, duper worried about his health…that’s why he rides motorcycles! The most dangerous form of transportation. You DO wear a helmet, right Lee?

So Lee – who rides motorcycles and appears 50 pounds overweight – is NOW worried about his health! But he doesn’t want to inconvenience HIMSELF by driving a car or losing 50 pounds of blubber! No, no, no – that would be taking responsibility and doing some real work. He’d rather bitch at YOU for not wearing a mask. A mask that is completely ineffective against aerosolized viruses. Not to mention the virus is no more dangerous than the flu.

Pardon my French, but you are a hypocritical piece of shit, Lee. You remind me of the annoying Karens who spit 4 kids out of their loins, drive an SUV and then bitch at me about plastic straws because “she cares about the environment”. You are the EXACT same type of “bitch with a capital C.”

Much like Bruce Haywood, Lee is almost GIDDY at the prospect of a national mask mandate. It gives him an erection:

LOL! National mask mandates are funny! Having a bunch of power-hungry lunatics in charge and forcing you to wear a useless face diaper to control you is a big fat belly laugh, eh Lee?

You know what makes ME laugh? The thought of you splattered all over the road after hitting an oil slick on wet pavement. Really makes me giggle.