Covid Mask Snitch and Lockdown Lover Now Wants To Grab Your Money at Wool & Vine. Don’t Let Her.

Ahhh – what a difference a year makes. Local Covid rat and Wool & Vine lemonade stand owner Julie Landrum was busy snitching out fellow businesses last year when she felt they were “lax” with mask mandates:

Memorandum: you are not an actual restaurant, lady. Granola bars and cheese plates don’t count.

I told you, I will NEVER forget or forgive the rats that snitched out fellow small businesses during the “pandemic”. It’s payback time.

Unhinged Covid Cult member

She also got handed taxpayer money by Economic Development Director Mandy Walsh during the scamdemic – even though they employ nobody but themselves and are barely open. Hardly a “small business” in any sense of the word.

More like “hobby lemonade stand” that is open a few days a week and whenever it is convenient to the owners, Julie and Andrew Landrum – who are both far left liberals.

Support your local Antifa! Holy Christ.

Before, she was petrified of her own shadow and STILL thinks she needs to wear masks in crowds….

So you’ll be all masked up while you sling pricey cans of beer to the filthy masses, right lady?

But now that there will be massive crowds of people gathering on the square later this week with CASH in their pockets, Julie wants to take FULL advantage by selling you overpriced cans of beer. No food (low margin), no mixed or poured drinks (takes too much time) – just coolers and coolers of overpriced beer they can quickly ring up and hand out.

Just the two of you?? Why don’t you hire a couple of local kids and pay them $15 per hour – like you demand of every other business in the nation? Talk about hypocrites!!!

Oh, and she’s too cheap to actually go out and buy coolers! She wants to use YOURS for free – as she rips your face off with expensive cans of beer and crappy t-shirts!

I have an idea! Maybe click a button on Amazon and buy a few big coolers – you could even use the $3,000 Mandy Walsh gave you last year or the thousands you save by not hiring anyone to work at your lemonade stand! Like most lefties, I guess when you are handed shit you didn’t earn enough times you make a habit of expecting it, eventually.

Ironically, it was Governor Abbott (whom both of the Landrums detest, since he is a “right-winger”) who signed the “alcohol-to-go-” law this year, which allows these lemonade stand owners to capitalize on the overpriced “to-go” beer cans! Amazing!

Do yourself a favor: be SURE to bring your own cooler and beer to the square this week! If you find yourself without, then walk on over to Lampasas Beer Market (no, I am not affiliated with them) or stock up at Putters first (also no affiliation). Those happen to be two businesses that actually employ a lot of locals, are open all the time, and who AREN’T far-left liberals who defend Antifa and other Marxist goons.

Personally, I’d pay $50 for a piss-warm PBR from a bum on the street before I put a nickel into the pockets of these clowns.

Oh, and watch out for those fireworks! No fun of ANY kind allowed around Nurse Ratched

There is literally nothing this chick ISN’T scared of. Fireworks, cold viruses, mosquitoes, loud noises, low-flying airplanes. Good god – she’s like a neurotic chihuahua. What a way to live your life!

It’s “varmint”, Queen Julie.

How dare that young man sight in his rifle out in the countryside! Queen Julie is trying to recover from her HORRENDOUS day of smashing her finger a little bit and then getting her hair done and hiding from a mosquito! Annoying peasants! Stop the fireworks too!!

Covid Cult Member FINALLY Admits The Truth

After a YEAR of bullshit and lies, at least ONE Covid Cult member is finally willing to admit the truth:

So when it comes right down to it, you really ARE worried about yourself! Silly me. For a YEAR non-stop I have been listening to Covid Cult mask nazis yammer the same tired phrase to paint themselves as some sort of selfless martyr:

“I don’t wear my mask to protect me…I wear it to protect YOU”

I heard it from numerous morons like Melissa Johnson, Gregory Thompson and Hubert Heath Humperdouche.

Well, that gum has lost its flavor, hasn’t it? The vaccine is out there. The numbers are plummeting. The Covid “plague” lie served its purpose to steal the election and funnel tens of billions of federal tax dollars to liberal scumbag politicians in New York, Illinois and California. So now we can go back to normal (except for a bunch of weak-minded fools). Anybody who still needs to cling to the face diaper now can no longer tell the lie that the mask is for ME and not for themselves.

I hate to break it to Landrum, but that shitty mask you wear does NOTHING to protect you from anything. The proof is irrefutable:

However, you’ll recall I DID spend $95 on a lovely Narwall mask for Julie as a Christmas present. She should REALLY be wearing THAT, since it actually seals your face. I never even got a “thank you” from her. Talk about an ingrate.

Oh well. I certainly never accused her of having half a brain to understand all that 🙂

P.S. Unsurprisingly, Clayton “Trust Fund” Tucker also falls into the category of fools who tried to paint themselves as heroes for wearing a mask “for others”: