More Scummy Covid Counting – Plus New “Orders” From Our Health Fuhrer

From today’s Radiogram:

Dr. Georgia Hay shared with Lampasas Radio this morning that Lampasas County recorded another fatality due to Covid-19. A gentleman in his 80’s who is from Lampasas, but was in along term care facility in another county has passed away. His wife also passed away from Covid-19 in another county.

What’s next? We get to count anyone who was born here but moved somewhere else in the last 5 years? Maybe we can count anyone who drove through Lampasas county at some point in their life but later died?

Absolutely idiotic. More proof that our “fatality” numbers are complete and utter horse shit.

This has to be the longest-running prank in American history, this Covid nonsense. Unfortunately, some of the people I would expect to see through the joke (like our “health authority”) are actually falling for it.

Did you see the latest part of the prank?

Fauci wants us to wear TWO masks now!

No, I’m not kidding.

**UPDATE** We are now up to FOUR masks as of 1/28/21.

I remember last summer when hysterical dummies like Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Hubert “Heath” Humperdink and Julie Cain Landrum were having FITS that some people weren’t wearing masks. “Mask up!” “Wear your damn mask!”, they would constantly virtue signal on social media.

Those of us with a brain (and wry sense of humor) said “if two masks are needed, then why don’t YOU just wear them both?”

That was a joke. This is real life. These retards are ACTUALLY now telling us to double up on masks. Which makes me ask the obvious question: if wearing two masks is needed for protection, why the hell have you been suggesting ONE mask for the last year??

Of course, when this shit storm first hit, Fauci told us masks were useless and not to bother. That was the only time that weasel muppet has been right in his pathetic and useless life.

Not to be outdone, now our own local health authority is jumping in on the fun of ordering people to perform useless rituals. This is HOT OFF THE PRESS:

We were contacted today from the local County Health Authority. With the increasing numbers of positive Covid Cases in our community, especially the growth in families and children, it has been requested that all people above the age of 10 that are spectators during basketball practices and games wear face coverings. We will work with our local health authority because their recommendation can help our community and will allow our kids to finish their basketball season.

Our kids having normalcy and finishing the season is very important to us. We will require the wearing of a face covering from all coaches and spectators above the age of 10, effective immediately. We understand that you may eat at the game, but we would expect your face covering to be on the rest of the time. These are crazy and different times and we ask that you all comply with this request for the remainder of the season.

Never mind that these basketball gatherings have been going on for WEEKS and WEEKS – including last week when the “active case” count was FAR HIGHER. The good doctor is searching high and low for places to flex her “authority”, apparently.

Please STOP CALLING THEM CASES! Someone testing positive using the PCR test at 42 amplifications is NOT A CASE. A medical doctor who is also our “authority” should damn well know this.

The grapevine tells me that there is a surge in positive PCR test results running through the school system. So what? Any deaths? Hospitalizations? No? Just a bunch of “positive” on an overly-sensitive test? Aren’t all the teachers and staff ALREADY wearing masks full time at school all day? If so, then that means those masks aren’t doing shit – so how is making me wear one for an hour at basketball going to make things better?

It won’t. So, kiss my ass. You’ll never get me into that muzzle.

I feel fine right now – which means I’m 99.5% likely to be healthy and maybe 1/2% likely to be an asymptomatic Covid case. Either way, the likelihood of me getting anyone sick is somewhere in the neighborhood of .00001%. I’m more likely to kill you by running you over accidentally in the parking lot.

So kiss my ass a second time.

How many of these “cases” are presenting any symptoms at all?? 10%? Less? You DO realize this is cold and flu season, right? People get sick with colds and flu all the time right now. But now you want to call it “Covid” and force me into a muzzle, even though I am perfectly healthy and feel fine?

Sorry. Not gonna do it. Guess I’ll be the test case over the power to arrest someone for not wearing a mask. Expect to see my smiling bare naked face at basketball this week.

It’s very sad that someone who is supposedly an “authority” on this has zero command of the latest studies, facts and science. Allow me to steer you in the right direction

1. Masks do not work and are not safe.

2. Asymptomatic transmission is not a thing

3. A positive PCR test at 42 amplifications is NOT a “case”

4. This is a concern ONLY to the very old.

You’re welcome.