Four Years Ago This Week: When Morons Lost Their Minds Over The Flu, Made Up Fake Social Distancing Rules and Closed The City Pool.

I’m proud to say I never fell for ANY of this Covid nonsense like countless imbeciles (Stephanie Fitzharris, Julie Cain Landrum, Bruce Haywood, Clayton Tucker, Melissa Johnson, Porkchop Kuehne, James Cain, Hubert Humperdick, etc) did.

Since we are now approaching the four-year anniversary of when these idiots ruined the country with their hysteria, I’ll be posting plenty of reminders – because I promised to NEVER forget of forgive what they did.

HCQ was later shown to be effective. Potato head wanted people jailed for questioning the narrative.

Here is a prescient excerpt from a May 2020 post I wrote. Remember: Saint Fauci HIMSESLF was just recently forced to admit the whole “six feet rule” was ENTIRELY made up. Gee – how did I know more than an expert like Fauci?!? Because I used my brain and didn’t get hysterical like many middle-aged, potato-shaped females did.

Here it is:

The City is discussing NOT opening the public swimming pools for the summer. That is an outrage. This “social distancing” bullshit is like a religion all of a sudden, despite the fact that it is snake oil and not science (kinda like the plastic straw bans). You CANNOT social distance in a pool. Kids need to be kids. They need to roughhouse, pick boogers, dunk each other underwater, wrassle, and BE KIDS. Mike White was AGAIN the voice of reason on this issue, while the Speed Bump (Randy Clark) was for keeping them closed.

Mike White said “it is not our job to enforce social distancing…everyone on the planet knows about Wuhan Flu now and they can make their own decisions. We have already taken so much away from these kids with the lock downs“.

I am totally paraphrasing Mike there, but when he said it I was cheering in my car and yelling “f*ck yes, Mike!!!”. [I again reiterate that Mike White resigning from council is a huge blow. He is oftentimes the ONLY voice of reason and logic].

This “shut down the pools” is just another step in the pussification of America. If you are too much of a scared rabbit to go to the pool, then don’t go. Kids ESPECIALLY are at very low risk of dying from the Wuhan Flu. Let the parents make the decision to go or not to go.

The Wuhan Flu is going to be with us a LONG time – probably forever. And yes, some people are going to die from it. Get used to that. It is very unlikely there will be a vaccine any time soon. Quite frankly, I’d rather get out there and spread it around and get it over with. If you are morbidly obese or over 65 you may want to be a lot more careful, but for the rest of humanity, let’s get on with it already.

I’ll be VERY keen to see what happens with schools in the fall. I’ll tell you this: if you don’t re-open the schools you are going to have a LOT of VERY pissed-off parents. We all pay a LOT of taxes to run these schools and having the kids “learning by Internet” is not going to cut it. Parents are not going to shell out THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS in property taxes and then have their kids underfoot all day long screwing around on the Internet. No way. There will be pitchforks and torches.

So, since you know you are going to open the schools in the fall or face riots, you may as well start now and open the pools and let these kids mingle and spread all their germs around. You DO realize that’s how immune systems work, right?? They need germs to practice on, to quote George Carlin.

Wait, The “Vaccines” Are Shit And Nobody Wants Them?

I guess the score is Lampasshole 617 and Covid Cult nuts ZERO…

Hell, send em on over here to Lampasas. “Doctor” James Cain is a fan of injecting anyone and everyone with this garbage. Plus we have plenty of eager vaccine morons like Clayton Tucker, Bruce Haywood, Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas, Julie Cain Landrum and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris just begging for more.

Potato Head applauding moron Lewis Black ranting about those of us who refuse to get the vaccine.

There are few “comedians” I detest more than Lewis Black. Naturally, he was ranting non-stop about the “selfish” people who refused the ‘vaccine’. Wrong yet again, Lewis. No surprise that Potato Head is a fan of his.

My favorite part about 2021 is when the vax morons all took pictures of themselves holding their vax cards and Signaled their Virtue. They exposed their lot numbers for all to see. This made it a lot easier for smart people to create a fake vaccine card with legitimate lot numbers on them! LOL. Thanks, douche bags!

Hey, where have I seen that insane look before? Oh yeah…..

Julie Landrum: Hippie or Hitler?

Oh that Julie Cain Landrum! She’s such an ARTIST! She is so AVANT GARDE!

Such a “cool kid” and member of the counterculture! Yeah! She’s an artist “sticking it to the man”! She’s making the status quo “uncomfortable” with all of her rebellion and individuality!

Oh, except that one time when Wuhan Flu was going around and she immediately fell into line with the government propaganda and turned into a Soviet-era snitch…ratting out anyone who didn’t want to impose the moronic mask mandates that violated 100 years of well-understood science about virus transmission.

Those are known as “crazy eyes”

An ‘artist’ comforts disturbed individuals? YOU are the disturbed individual. Twat.

I told you I’ll NEVER forgive or forget about the Covid Cult scumbags who turned into little mini Hitlers and went Good German overnight. I will keep that promise until the day I die of non-Covid causes.

People like Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Lee Morey, Allie H Yanta, Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez, Christopher McDaniel, Gregory Thompson, Rohnda Witcher, Jennifer Moreno (Sanchez), Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris and Clayton Tucker.

How does it make you feel that you’ve spent the last 3 years abusing your body and your mental health in a paranoid delusion about a virus and I spent the last 3 years living totally normal?