As Whispers Of a Return Of Forced Covid Masks Are Heard, Remember Who The Local Covid Rat and Mask Nazi Scumbags Are.

I still can’t believe the current rumors, but after everything I’ve seen over the last 3 years, nothing would surprise me anymore…

Now is the time nip this in the bud. To re-commit yourself to loudly supporting any business in town who refuses to force masks on people. To ostracizing and shaming and ridiculing any piece of shit who embraces this nonsense again.

As a helpful guide, here are some of the locals who loudly backed it the first time. They will back masks and lockdowns again not only because they are idiot liberals, but because NONE OF THEM HAVE A JOB. It is no sacrifice for them at all to sit home all day, because that’s what they do anyways.

Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris. She has recently purchased her mother’s house on Spring Street (after living in Oregon, Santa Monica CA and Austin TX) and is trying to pass herself off as a conservative. She is not. She is a hard-core lefty and authoritarian mask/vax/Biden lover. I have covered her EXTENSIVELY HERE. Also, use search function.

Those of us who (correctly) called the vaccines “shit” were lambasted for spreading “disinformation”

Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood. One of the loudest (and fattest) voices for keeping kids out of school during Covid the first time around (2020/2021 school year). He kept his own kid out of school as well. Bruce spends his days sleeping til noon, not paying any property taxes, and ranting about how Trump should be in jail. So the lockdowns and masking he loves so much will not inconvenience him at all.

Clayton “Trust Fund” TuckerChairman of Lampasas Democrat Party: Rabid socialist, authoritarian and promoter of forced masking and “vaccines.” Was running against Dawn Buckingham (a REAL doctor) during Covid in 2020 and had the nerve to imply she was hurting people by NOT wearing a mask. He is known to wear a mask in a car BY HIMSELF. Also has no job and lives with mom, so lockdowns don’t harm him.

Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson. This lunatic hermit has worn a mask her entire life…something she failed to mention until YEARS after Covid when she was calling everyone selfish for NOT wearing a mask. She is jobless, friendless and brainless. Lockdowns and forced masking do not change her life one bit.

Guess what? You got your wish. You were REALLY WRONG about all of it. Now shut the fuck up forever.

Julie Cain Landrum: Massive Covid rat who tattled publicly on several local businesses during Covid. Ran a hobby lemonade stand during Covid (Wool & Vine) which failed earlier this year (karma is a bitch!) – currently unemployed again and lockdowns/masking will not affect her at all. I have covered her extensively as well. Use search function.

“Crazy eyes” are a real thing. Ask AOC.

Lee Morey. Another fat guy who liked to tell us all how awesome he is and how terrible you are. He’s clearly terrible at assessing risk since he rides motorcycles but is afraid of a cold virus.

Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas. Was driven completely insane by Covid and Trump Derangement Syndrome simultaneously. Is STILL petrified of Covid TODAY, despite (1) it being almost the end of 2023 and (2) having had MANY “vaccines” and boosters and STILL getting Covid himself!

This is from LAST WEEK!
Dumbest asshole around

Is petrified of a cold virus, yet just fine with jamming another man’s penis down his “soar throat.” Grady is another one who doesn’t have a job – having run his own business into the ground in 2009, he tossed his mom into a nursing home, moved into HER home, and then posted a GoFundMe to “help fix up my mom’s house” to get free shit by fooling people into thinking they were giving to an old lady. Lockdowns and masking will not affect him at all either. No job and no life. A complete piece of shit.

More to come….

Exactly A Year Ago: Radiogram Suggested You Poison Yourself Over A Minor Cold Virus.

Another year, another pile of idiocy from Radiogram owner Rhonda Witcher. It’s truly amazing that with all the “deadly” Wuhan variants flying around that this 117-year-old liberal fart isn’t dead yet.

Last year, Rhonda Witcher tried to scare you with the ominous “Omnicron” [sic] fear-mongering:

Rhonda Witcher Ends The Year The Same Way She Started It: A Fear-Mongering Moron

Rhonda’s Radiogram suggested that:

“It’s really important that people do the measures we already know work — getting vaccinated, getting their boosters if eligible, wearing masks indoors, testing before gathering, and practicing physical and social distancing,”

Or maybe Wuhan WASN’T so deadly as Rhonda led you to believe with her scaremongering over the last 2.5 years?

It also turns out that we now know for CERTAIN that the vaccine is killing hundreds of thousands of people. Otherwise healthy young people (ages 18 to 40) haver been dropping like flies this year. Life insurance companies are being financially crushed due to the massive numbers of policy payouts – a 6-sigma anomaly that simply doesn’t happen on its own.

These young people were at essentially ZERO risk from the Wuhan virus. Yet morons like Rhonda and also our own “doctor” Cain at FMC trumpeted REPEATEDLY and LOUDLY that EVERYONE should get the vaccine. Hopefully, they get what they have coming for this disgusting display of ignorance and incompetence.

Piss-Poor Dispatch Piece Has James Cain Spewing Unquestioned Covid Nonsense and Half-Truths

Local Land Manatee Still Demands You Suffer For His Gluttony

This is local dipshit Bruce Haywood:

As you can see, he LOVES to overeat. He loves Krab Kings, Whataburger and every other high fat, high calorie, fast-food crap around.

Overeating is not healthy. It leads to morbid obesity (which Bruce clearly has) and usually early death. Bruce would do himself a world of good by losing about 270 pounds, but that is way too much work. Bruce would rather force you to wear a mask and get an unapproved vaccine so that HE feels safer. Bruce cannot be inconvenienced in any way. Only you can be.

Frankly, I could not care less if Bruce eats his way into an early grave, but Bruce also happens to be a vociferous maskhole (like most libtards) and Covid Cult member who loves to try and shame people into getting masked and vaxxed because he supposedly cares about his health.

This makes Bruce a hypocrite of Haywoodian proportions – and his hypocrisy is now MY problem because douchebags like him are demanding people like me be injected with an unapproved vaccine that doesn’t really work.

If you point out masks don’t work and that more than a few people are STILL getting sick AFTER taking the vaccine, he implies you are a stupid, right-wing FOX News-loving mouth breather.

EVERY doctor? Hardly. Thousands say the opposite:

Masks Don’t Control Viruses

In fact, back in 2003 during SARS I, the government of Australia threatened a fine of $110,000 for even SUGGESTING that masks work:

Farce Mask: It’s Only Safe For 20 Minutes

Feeling stupid yet Bruce? I don’t think Bruce is capable of feeling stupid. Like a fish can’t “feel wet” – it’s his normal default state of existence.

Not to mention, Bruce’s own messiah St. Anthony admitted in private emails that masks are useless against a tiny aerosolized virus:

Fauci Says Masks “Not Really Effective”

Looks like the vaccine is pretty ineffective too, from where I’m standing:

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Little does Bruce know, that his OWN TEAM is now admitting masks are completely worthless:

Biden COVID Advisor Admits Cloth Masks Are Worthless

Oopsie. A Biden COVID advisor on CNN said this. Hardly the “crazy right wing” that Bruce was pinning his hopes on.

Bruce can never EVER admit he is wrong about masks, no matter how many mountains of evidence pile up against him. That is because he spent the last 18 months bragging about his mask wearing and bitching at everyone else to do the same. To admit he was bamboozled is just too painful to bear – so he will keep doubling down forever like a moron.

Add that all up? Bruce is clearly STILL the dumbest man in Lampasas!

Congratulations, buddy.

As for “dummies” telling people not to get the vax? Here is a compilation of a group of DEMOCRAT dummies doing just that!!

Amazing Video

Tell me again how I’m the conspiracy theorist, and these are the “normal” people. The most disgusting part is that these lunatics who absolutely lost their minds will pretend like it never happened.

The Potato Head Steph Fitzharrises, Bruce Haywoods and Melissa Johnsons of the world deserve every ounce of ridicule they get.

Never forget who the Covid rats were.

Texas Proves Fauci and Other Morons Wrong Yet Again

Gee – who’d have thunk it? Certainly not the “experts” like Fauci or local health “authorities”. Certainly not an assortment of local dingbats like Melissa Johnson, Hubert Heath Humperdick, Bruce Haywood, Gregory Thompson and other loud-mouthed mask nazi idiots.

Dr. Fauci Can’t Explain Why Texas COVID Cases Keep Dropping Despite Reopening.

We have certainly had no shortage of dunces literally screaming bloody murder when Abbott dropped the mask mandate last month. Let’s revisit the doom and gloom from back on March 3rd:

Joanna and Jim? You are exactly WRONG. YOU are the actual clowns. Go sit in the corner wearing a big red nose – and stay off social media for a few years.

So is 20-something retard Cade Snyder:

ManWhalePig isn’t only wrong, he’s never been right! I’d ask for a refund on your useless recent “degree”, Heath! Looks like your fancy school still can’t give you a brain:

Time for the schools to wake up too – or maybe they need a lawsuit to wake them up? End the ridiculous (and EXPENSIVE) useless hygiene theater. Drop the mask mandate. Get your heads out of your ass and admit you were WRONG!

Fauci has deep psychological issues. He’s a compulsive liar and media whore. He’s the little boy crying wolf to get attention. Nothing but lies for over a year now.

Median Covid death age is 80 – ABOVE the current life expectancy.

More deaths from suicide than Covid in people under 30 year of age.

Over 85% of all Covid deaths are associated with obesity/being overweight.

Lockdowns were pure vile evil lies

Kary Mullis – Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test: “Dr Fauci doesn’t know anything about ANYTHING…and I’ll say that to his face”

Covid Cult Member FINALLY Admits The Truth

After a YEAR of bullshit and lies, at least ONE Covid Cult member is finally willing to admit the truth:

So when it comes right down to it, you really ARE worried about yourself! Silly me. For a YEAR non-stop I have been listening to Covid Cult mask nazis yammer the same tired phrase to paint themselves as some sort of selfless martyr:

“I don’t wear my mask to protect me…I wear it to protect YOU”

I heard it from numerous morons like Melissa Johnson, Gregory Thompson and Hubert Heath Humperdouche.

Well, that gum has lost its flavor, hasn’t it? The vaccine is out there. The numbers are plummeting. The Covid “plague” lie served its purpose to steal the election and funnel tens of billions of federal tax dollars to liberal scumbag politicians in New York, Illinois and California. So now we can go back to normal (except for a bunch of weak-minded fools). Anybody who still needs to cling to the face diaper now can no longer tell the lie that the mask is for ME and not for themselves.

I hate to break it to Landrum, but that shitty mask you wear does NOTHING to protect you from anything. The proof is irrefutable:

However, you’ll recall I DID spend $95 on a lovely Narwall mask for Julie as a Christmas present. She should REALLY be wearing THAT, since it actually seals your face. I never even got a “thank you” from her. Talk about an ingrate.

Oh well. I certainly never accused her of having half a brain to understand all that 🙂

P.S. Unsurprisingly, Clayton “Trust Fund” Tucker also falls into the category of fools who tried to paint themselves as heroes for wearing a mask “for others”:

I Think Ronnie Witcher May Be A Chick. Rhonda Witcher?

There’s no way Ronnie Witcher is really a dude, right? I mean, NO guy gets as hysterical and panicky over obviously fake bullshit news like Ronnie has gotten over “Covid hospitalizations!!!” for months on end.

He probably believes in astrology and palm reading, too.

Rhonda has spent months and months parroting some of the most outlandish and retarded claims of the Covid Cult. He has told us repeatedly that Texas hospitals are about to be overrun and poor Covid patients would be left dying in the streets. We have heard this crap going back for MONTHS!

Here is the reality:


Funny how it kinda rises and peaks right in line with flu hospitalizations from years past, isn’t it, Rhonda?

It’s ALSO quite amazing how the total occupation stays constant, while Covid is peaking. Almost like other sicknesses are being reclassified as Covid or something.

You’ll never see REAL data like this in The Radiogram. That’s OK. I only grab six of them every morning to line my bird’s cage and start fires in the fireplace on cold nights.

Maybe Rhonda needs a competitor. A weekly, one-page folder over paper that isn’t filled with liberal twaddle and hysteria, perhaps? Hmmmm.

It Is Your Patriotic Duty To Refuse The ‘Holy Rag’

The Gesundheitsfuhrer of Virginia has just decreed – no law having been passed – that the Holy Rag must be worn in all indoor spaces beginning Sunday and also that the cattle may not gather in groups of 25 or more.

He intends to sic the Gesundheitspolizei on the “noncompliant.” Not wearing the Holy Rag, in other words, will become of more interest to the polizei than crime.

Because the cases! the cases! 

Which brings up the case of Elon Musk – who claims to have tested positive . . . and negative  . . . two times each on the same day.

“Same machine, same test, same nurse . . .”

“Something extremely bogus is going on,” he said.

Now Musk is many things but he’s not poor and so these tests – Rapid Antigen – were the top-shelf items administered by top-shelf medical people.

And they came back incoherent.

Which is one of the many problems with this manufactured pandemic of fear. It is premised on “cases” without symptoms, context or even accurate testing. This being the basis for imposing a breathtaking regime of dictatorial control.

Musk later Tweeted his suspicions that the “spike” in the cases! the cases! is likely due to the “cases” being based on what politeness might style bullshit:

“If it is happening to me, it’s happening to others” and – touching the third rail – “revenues from (these) tests are likely not bogus and very consistent.”


There is a great deal of money in the cases! the cases! – especially for the big corporations that are using them – or rather, using their tools in government, such as The Coonman in Virginia – to usher in a new round of lockdowns, which will mostly lockdown corporations’ competitors, the smaller independent retailers and so on that cannot afford to limit their customers to 25 at a time.

And we all know how hospitals are paid to report the cases! the cases! – each “case” amounting to a ka-ching of the cash register, giving them thousands of dollars’ of incentive to find as many “cases” as they can.

The cases! the cases! also enables the perpetuation of the appearance of sickness by making everyone appear sick or in dread of it via the wearing of the Holy Rag, which is a religious vestment by definition since a woolen neck scarf or old bandana or dust mask that has the same power to screen out viral particles that a chain link fence has to screen out mosquitos meets our oppressors’ criteria for a “face covering.”   

Which reveals that the purpose is to cover our faces. To muzzle us. To make us look the same and make it appear we think the same.

We are being made to wear the coverings for the same reason a horse is made to wear the bit only it’s much more sinister because the bit isn’t meant to degrade the horse while the Holy Rag is intended to do precisely that, by forcing us to pretend we agree with the tenets of a deranged cult.

It’s not just money that’s in play this time.

It is everything.

The creatures behind the cases! the cases! are making their move – what may be their checkmate move. The cases! the cases! is the groundwork being laid for the suspension of everything and the imposition of everything.

It must be fought.

There must be mass refusal to wear the Holy Rag.

Refuse to accept being emotionally blackmailed by the emotionally unhinged. If you aren’t sick, do not accept that you are obliged to pretend you are sick to assuage the feelings of the mentally sick.

There must be mass defiance of lockdowns, personal as well as public. Prisons are “locked down.”

Businesses that refuse to close or enforce “mandates” must be supported by people willing to risk arrest, should it come to that.

Are you sick of this yet? Then do something about it!

Covid Cult Kids Are Now Paying Price For Their Parents’ Overreaction And Lack Of Critical Thinking Skills

Wow. Friday’s Radiogram didn’t pull any punches. It all but said (1) remote learning is a joke and (2) a LOT of parents and teachers are FINALLY realizing this and are scared (rightfully so) that their “remote learning kids” are falling WAY BEHIND everyone else.

So, keeping kids home to “learn” on the computer was a massive mistake?

Gee….who wouldda thunk it?? Oh yeah….I did. Right HERE 12 days before school started.

I also said it HERE and then posted data HERE. There was plenty of evidence for all this back in June, for crying out loud!

While all these mountains of evidence were growing and easily researched, fools like Bruce Haywood were BRAGGING that he wouldn’t let his kid return to school

I even wrote an entire post entitled “Idiots Like Bruce Haywood Are Going To Cost The Rest Of Us A Fortune” back on July 13th. I predicted that keeping kids home and letting them “remote learn” was a costly joke that would come back to bite these kids in the ass when they fell far behind everyone else.

So now, all these dummy Covid Cult parents will demand special accommodations and scream bloody murder when their kid fails this year. The kids of the SMART parents will be punished as teachers have to spend extra time on the kids whose dumb parents kept them glued to a computer for the last 2.5 months.

As usual, the morons of the world completely screw it up for the rest of us.

From the Radiogram:

Educators agree the best way to teach children is in person, however due to issues with the Covid-19, many students are remote, or virtual learning. The Dallas Morning News reported on September 3rd that the number of students in Texas that never engaged in their remote learning was 100,000, and 20,000 students were unable to be contacted. More than 2 million public school students are already attending in-person classes, doubled from the start of the school year. However, Texas has about 5.5 million students total.”

According to the Texas Tribune, as the extent of students’ struggles become clear, parents and superintendents are increasingly determined to get students back to school, the pendulum of their worries swinging away from health risks and toward the risks of students not learning at all. “Districts are starting to feel some real internal pressure as educators,” said Joy Baskin, legal services director at the Texas Association of School Boards. “If they feel that there’s enough momentum around getting everyone back, I think that’s their preference.”

Dr. Rascoe of Lampasas ISD shared this with Lampasas Radio “We are continuing it (remote learning) for now but have made several improvements. We have seen a significant increase in the number of students who returned to in person learning this grading period, thus there aren’t as many students using remote learning. We have set greater expectations for remote learners as well and that has helped increase the validity of the program.

I love it. Some nice weasel words in there. Let me translate:

“The pendulum of their worries swinging away from health risks and toward the risks of students not learning at all.

Translation: “a lot of scared rabbits who were acting on pure emotion and hysteria and using ZERO critical thinking skills are FINALLY coming out of their stupor and realizing how stupendously badly they assessed the risk of dying versus the risk of their kids being ignorant morons who will be failing all the standardized tests this year”

We have set greater expectations for remote learners as well and that has helped increase the validity of the program.

Translation: “remote learning is a complete fucking joke and we kinda skated by with it last March/April/May but it is now impossible to hide the vast chasm between the kids in school and the kids in their pajamas all day eating potato chips.”

Another Batch Of Covid Numbers STILL Prove The Covid Cult Is Overreacting

Here are the last three reports as posted by our Mayor:

Over a nine day period, they conducted 501 tests (55 tests per day) and the number of active cases DROPPED massively from 39 to 12.

The only way this could happen is a bunch of “actives” dropped off the list as they recovered and then not nearly as many new cases were added to take their place. There is no way to know how many of each, but even if we take the WORST case scenario – all of the original 39 recovered and there are 12 brand new active cases – that gives us 12/501 positivity rate….or 2.4% positivity rate.

All this masking and panic and stupidity from the likes of Fitzharris and Haywood because of a TWO POINT FOUR PERCENT positivity rate.

Zero new hospitalizations. Zero new deaths.

[Of course, it is ALSO possible that they had ZERO positives in those 501 tests and simply had 27 “actives” recover, leaving us with 12 active cases. Which would give us a positivity rate of ZERO. That would be the BEST case scenario. We have no way of knowing]

You maskholes feeling silly yet?

FURTHERMORE, Governor Wheelchair recently decided to make Lampasas schools guinea pigs for the “free tests for people who feel perfectly fine but want to screw everyone with false positives“. This past week was the first week of testing using the BinaxNOW COVID Rapid Ag test. According to the Radiogram, 42 perfectly healthy asymptomatic LISD staff members volunteered to take the test.

Guess how many tested positive?


One out of 42 is a positivity rate of….wait for it….ALSO 2.4%

Care to guess what the false positive rate of the BinaxNOW COVID Rapid Ag test is? It is “between 1.5% and 3%” according to AAAS.

Correct me if I am wrong, but “my calculations show” (a little homage there to Mayor Talbert!) Lampasas recent positivity rate of 2.4% is RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE of the “false positive range”.

One might also wonder: “why in the hell would ANYBODY who feels perfectly healthy and asymptomatic go and get one of these tests?”. I certainly wondered that. Are they all moron hypochondriacs? Are they just assholes who want to see our “active case” number get jacked with false positives? Does Bruce Haywood go in there 10 times a day?

Well, there is another explanation: perhaps they want some PAID TIME OFF! Get a positive test then get forced to take two weeks off of work. PAID!

Perhaps some unscrupulous school employees have figured this out. Hell, what’s stopping them from getting tested every week until they invariably hit the jackpot and get a false positive?

This entire thing is totally insane.