Chairman of Lampasas Democratic Party Clayton Tucker Tacitly Admits He Is NOT a Rancher. Makes Sneaky Changes To Profiles and Resume – Part I

Another scalp for my collection. I offer up these collections of facts for any future electoral opponents this socialist may go up against.

I guess now that he is moving on to the “big leagues” with things like trips to Seattle to get in on the Global Warming Grift (and the creation of a new Texas Bluebonnet PAC to take advantage of the grift), Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 (and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats) needed to cover his past lies like a cat burying his turds.

Like the fact he has been lying about being a farmer, a cowboy and a rancher for many years now. If I were a member of the Lampasas Democratic Party, and this serial liar was my chairman, I’d be pretty embarrassed, indeed.

First, he has changed his headlines from “Rancher” to “Ranching and Politics” – which might not sound like a big deal to someone who is not a weasel and a scumbag. But it is a big change: RANCHER is a noun. As in “I am a rancher!” – but now we have a verb up there…RANCHING. Which is nice and vague.

Here is how he posed for the last few years – as a “rancher” and a “cowboy”:

Here is the NEW headline:

Note that the lie about being a “water researcher” has been removed as well. As have the stupid pronouns.

This is because “rancher” sounds like a real job you can actually be pinned down on with easily-obtained evidence. You’d need to own land (public records) and be listed as a company owner somewhere (public records) and show revenue and stuff – you’d leave a trail of livestock sales somewhere on-line. It’s VERY easy to prove that Comrade Clayton does none of this – and I have done so repeatedly.

When he created his fake-rancher persona a few years ago, he never figured any dipshit liberals or Austin commies would question it. And he was right. But then along comes Lampasshole and blows it all up for him.

NOW, he’s just a “rural dude” who has a minor interest in, like, “ranchin and politickin” and stuff. You know – he heads over to Grandpa Bob’s land and sometimes mows the lawn a little bit or takes a picture with a goat. Nothing too serious, dude! Just a rural dude, kickin it! What? I never said I was a “RANCHER” – no, no…you must have misunderstood. I just live out in an area where there is a lot of “ranching” going on and I mingle with those people a bit. My grandpa owned some cows and stuff. Some “ranching” may have occurred on this land 40 years ago. Who knows? Nothing too serious. I clearly don’t make a living off of it.

See the difference? Subtle but very important to his future grifts. I have permanently marked him a liar all over the Internet and he needs that to go away somehow. He’ll stick with this “ranching and politics” crap for the next few years and hope the rest fades away. It’s about as subtle as his ridiculously transparent “hat trick” he used to do a few years ago:

He Wants To Be A Cowboy Baby

Secondly and thirdly: he changed his resume dramatically and removed all mention of being a rancher. He also changed his LinkdIn page to “Clayton T.” instead of “Clayton Tucker” like it used to be. Now why would you do that, Comrade? Did you think you’d be harder to find and link back to your past lies? Fat chance….

Let’s look at his NEW resume as of today 8/13/23, which makes zero mention of being a rancher….like his old one did.

So – as of this moment, ZERO mention of being a rancher ANYWHERE on his ridiculously long (yet short-on-real-accomplishments) resume. It is simply not there. He is clearly trying to distance himself from his lies now. If you were a REAL rancher running a REAL ranch and were a FIFTH-GENERATION RANCHER as he has claimed repeatedly, you’d think that might be the meat (pun intended) of your resume. You’d be wrong.

But for a while there, he DID stick “rancher” into his resume, in a very lame attempt to cover previous lies back in June of last year:

The problem is, there is no “RX Ranch” listed anywhere as a going concern in the state of Texas – except for one in Ballinger run by a Sally Buxkemper….not a Tucker in Lampasas.

Let’s look at the very FIRST resume he had up in March of 2021 as he ran for City council and listed his occupation as “political organizer” for a communist organization.

Again – no mention of rancher.

He also made a typically huge blunder in 2018 by AGAIN forgetting to mention he was a rancher in a book blurb:

Oooooh! World Traveler! I’m guessing a relative died and paid for that junket. Or mom did. See, he arrived in Lampasas around 2016 according to the Dispatch article written when he tried to slip into a vacant council seat in 2017.

He worked as “Statewide Coordinator for Our Revolution” starting in 2018, according to multiple resumes…so this blurb with the pachyderm HAD to be written in 2018 or 2019….which is the SAME time he claims to have been a rancher in Fake Resume #2. Yet makes no mention of it in the book blurb either! How very odd.

Part II coming next: a definitive timeline of Clayton Tucker’s lies about his Fake Rancher Persona. I’m creating this as a gift to any future opponent Clayton Tucker has when he runs for any position at all.