A YEAR after “two weeks to flatten the curve”, the City now wants to piss away money on plastic partitions for City council chambers.
[Find link here and go to page 21 and 22]
Talk about closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped! I can think of MANY reasons for NOT wasting money on Plexiglas for City council chambers.
Masks, Plexiglas and social distancing do NOTHING. If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget.
The “dead wood” (extremely vulnerable elderly) has pretty much all been killed off by now after 16 months. Which means this thing has already done its worst damage, by far. If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget.
Much of City council and City Hall has ALREADY gotten ‘sick’ with ‘covid’ (Talbert, Kuehne, Nelson, etc). Therefore, they are no longer at risk. If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget.
[Incidentally, Kuehne literally wore her mask EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME. She even spoke through it at council meetings. How’d that work out for you?]
There is a vaccine out there spreading like wildfire at over a million doses per day. I certainly won’t take it, but all the scared rabbits are. This will supposedly protect everyone. Therefore, this thing is a miniscule “threat” compared to a year ago….so why bother with this bullshit now?? If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget.
Herd immunity will be here by April, according to people who are not complete idiots like Dr. Muppet Fauci. You are in FAR less ‘danger’ than you were a year ago, when there were no partitions. If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget.
This virus is most deadly to the extremely elderly and infirm. Pretty sure nobody on City council fits that description. If you still don’t understand that, you have no business making decisions for the City and their $28 million operating budget. If you ARE elderly and infirm, don’t run for City council. Stay home and watch Wheel of Fortune for the rest of your life.
[Besides, when Myles Haider stomps TJ Monroe for the mayoral position, the average age of council will drop about 6 years anyways]
Of course, they will go ahead and waste money on these ridiculous Plexiglas theatrics anyways, despite all the reasons I’ve given NOT to. Because that’s what the morons in charge do! It’s their nature.
On the plus side, with all of these dolts sitting in their little plastic cubes, they will look even MORE like the Seven Goldfish in a fishbowl that I have been calling them for the last 2.5 years!
P.S. I am unable to copy and paste the ridiculous statement from the City about why they are doing this, so I just took a picture.

By the way, it was FLATTEN the curve – not SLOW the curve.
Typical government bureaucrats: way BEHIND the curve!!