Socialist Stooge Clayton Tucker Is “On the Cotton,” If You Get My Drift.

Cotton pickin’ Clayton is at it again!!

WOW! Seven million! Cool.

Wait…how many cars are there in the world?

About 1.5 BILLION, actually.

So – 7 million cars represents less than 1/2 of 1 percent of all cars in the world. The other 99.60% of the cars on the road will still be doing their thing.

Also, cotton requires a TON of water to grow – and previously comrade Clayton was telling us we are about to run out of water! It takes about 1,200 hundred gallons of water to grow a single pound of cotton

Vox = socialist rag run by dipshits without any science degrees.

Guess he forgot about that. Dumb asshole.

Of course, exactly one year after Comrade Clayton posted the above drivel, Lampasas had its rainiest May in 130 years.

But that’s all forgotten. He’s on to the new “crisis” and a new “solution” to his imagined crisis. All from the guy who can’t get his shit together enough to live on his own. LOL. Hilarious.