Back around January 1, a lot of misinformed yahoos got all excited that they “lost 6 pounds in three days!” or “I’m down 14 pounds in two weeks!” and (erroneously) attributed these miracles to the CorVive magic beans upon which they had recently wasted $500.
Of course, the real reason they lost weight was (1) the water weight loss that comes at the start of any crash diet (water weights 8 pounds per gallon) and (2) the reduction in calories that came from eating better.
The only way to lose FAT (not water weight) is to burn more calories than you consume. Period. The calories don’t really matter either – you can eat junk food, as long as you restrict caloric intake.
Now that all those same yahoos are eerily silent, no doubt having gained back the water weight while watching mounds of overpriced snake oil pile up in their garage, I’d like to take this opportunity to rub it in their faces a little bit.
I’m doing the Twinkie diet for one week. I’ll eat 14 Twinkies per day (1820 calories) and nothing else. This will cost me about $8 per day – or FAR less than the CorVive magic beans plus normal food.
Day one – weighed in at 205.5 this morning. Ate two Twinkies at 8am. I don’t think I’ve had a Twinkie since I was probably 8 years old. I’m not a huge fan of cakes and pies and dessert shit. My vice is beer and vodka. It will be difficult not having a sip of booze for 7 days – especially with the nice weather and the NCAA tourney on. But my desire to make the Eager Beaver CorVivers look foolish will carry me through this difficult time.
Day one – ate two Twinkies every two hours today. Took a massive dump…and I didn’t even need a CorVive overpriced laxative to compel me to take this dump. Score another one for Twinkies!!
Day two – weighed in at 204.2 this morning! Yay! CorVive Twinkies are already paying for themselves…what a miracle product this CorVive Twinkie is! The fat is just melting away!! I may try and sign up suckers others to sell Twinkies FOR me in a pyramid-like structure….it can’t possibly lose! I’ll be rich! Who wants to lose weight AND make money!! PM me 
I actually thought I would wake up starving today but I didn’t. I also had a Monster Energy (zero calories) with my Twinkies to emulate the overpriced CorVive NRG product, which contains many of the same ingredients. The one CorVive product I did NOT emulate is the idiotic laxative that Meatball Fouts calls a “cleanse” (CorRenew) – which is absolute nonsense.
Day two – went to gym as I normally do today. By the way, “gym” and “exercise” (and “proper nutrition”) are words that never EVER seem to escape Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts fat mouth during his painful Facebook video bloviating. He instead pushes you to swallow pills and powders 15 times a day. He does this because it puts money into the pocket of Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts.
Day three – weighed in at 202.4 – I’m down 3 pounds in 48 hours!! All thanks to Twinkies! Should I get on Facebook and tell everyone? Should I take pictures of my Twinkies and post them on Facebook and tell everyone how AWESOME Twinkies are, and how they need to buy Twinkies from me at $1.50 each?? I think I might. It’s not an MLM pyramid scheme…it’s a new thing I invented – a MELT scheme. Me Eating Lots of Twinkies.
Day three – I am really wanting some bacon right now. Oh well. Did three hours of yard work today – felt fine during this despite the caloric restriction.
Day four – weighed in at 201.9. Holy shit, the fat is just melting away! Did I mention I have not ingested a SINGLE overpriced CorVive product to achieve this amazing transformation? I’m very tempted to go on Facebook and write a huge article about what a winner I am and how others are jealous and hate me for my success in the Twinkie area. But I’m not a 14-year-old girl, so I will refrain. #twinkiesrule #junkfoodrocks
Day four – three more hours of yard work today. No problem. There is college basketball on tonight and today is opening day for baseball. I am extremely tempted to go to the bar and have a beer and relax watching sports. But sacrifices must be made to lose weight. I am a winner! I know I am a winner because I just typed it on the Internet.
Day five – weighed in at 201.5 pounds. OK – seriously now….I am starting my MELT system today and you would be a FOOL not to get in on the ground floor and achieve financial independence. Simply order my “starter kit” for $235 plus shipping, handling and a small “idiot tax” and I will rush you 100 Twinkies so you TOO can MELT the weight away!
Don’t watch the parade go by. Get in on the ground floor! Be your own Twinkie boss, you fool!! Buy buy buy!! This may also prevent colon cancer. I can’t prove it but I’m going to suggest it and you probably can’t disprove it, so take my word for it!!
In reality, the weight loss is slowing because (a) the first 3 pounds was easy water weight loss and (b) my metabolism is adjusting to less calories – once you lose 2-3% of your original body weight, the body adjusts quickly.
Day six – weighed in at 201.2 pounds. I have been running a caloric deficit of about 1000 calories a day now – 6000 calories equals about 1.7 pounds of actual FAT. Yet I am down well over 4 pounds. How is this possible? Water loss and probably some muscle loss, since I am not hitting the weights as hard as usual. No magic powders or pills needed.
Went to gym today – had a Muscle Milk afterwards (160 calories and 32 grams of protein – 50% more protein than the CorVive protein product) in place of a Twinkie.
I also ate a pile of crawfish today and watched hoops because I was going crazy with Twinkies. Six pounds of crawfish = 16oz of tail meat = 360 calories = 3 Twinkies…which I did not eat. I also had three drinks of booze.
Day seven (final day) – weighed in at 201 pounds. Only 14 more Twinkies to go. These will be the last Twinkies I ever eat in my life.
Day eight weigh in, after 7 days of Twinkie diet – 200.6 pounds…..or about 5 pounds in a week. If I continued this Twinkie thing for 9 more weeks, the weight would come off much slower as the body adjusts. But the point is proven: it is just calories that matter. Nothing else. Forget overpriced pills and snake oil. Eat less…exercise more. It’s the ONLY thing that works.