Local Communist Pussy Clayton Tucker Immediately Folds After Biden Coup. Falls In Line Backing Kamala. So Much For “Democracy.”

For a few seconds, local socialist tapeworm Clayton Tucker knew what it felt like to have a tiny ball sack swinging between his legs as he actually said there needed to be transparency in choosing the new dem nominee at an open convention:

But that miniscule scrotum quickly evaporated and Comrade Clayton fell in line with what The Party demanded. Which is what scumbag communists have done for hundreds of years. Comrade Clayton Tucker is a FOLLOWER and not a leader. Which is why he’s living with mom at age 33.5 and probably still a virgin (when it comes to females)…

He’s also suddenly concerned about age!

This is after ignoring Biden’s mental decline for 3.5 years. Didn’t the libshits tells us a month or two ago that it’s NOT about age but about “sharpness” and that Biden was “sharp as a tack”?

I think they did.

Trump got shot in the face and jumped back up. Trump did press conferences EVERY DAY as president, facing a very hostile press corps – not the weak-ass questions like “what ice cream do you like?” Trump has dealt with non-stop lawfare for the last six months and STILL went out and campaigned every day. He’s up at 5am. He’s a machine. Clayton Tucker can’t even get up before 9am and doesn’t have a real job to go to. So get out of here with your “he’s too old” bullshit now that Biden has pussied out and dropped from competition. That gum has lost its flavor.

You want to talk about age? Ok – here’s some age for you:

Willie Brown – who Kamala sucked and fucked to get her start in politics – is TWELVE YEARS OLDER than Trump. He’s 90 years old. Yes, that’s right.

Fucking disgusting. But that’s what a talentless whore like Kamala was willing to do to get her foot in the door.

But keep telling me Trump is “too old” you moron.

Let’s review:

Joe Biden said repeatedly that he didn’t want to step aside. Then came reports that Democrat Party insiders led by Nancy Pelosi would ratchet up the pressure until they drove him out of the race. We still don’t know what pressure they used, but Biden suddenly announces his resignation as nominee via a tweet, with no address to the American people. Even his own campaign and White House staff are caught by surprise.

We still haven’t seen or directly heard from him 24 hours later. For all we know, someone hacked his X account. But the entire Democrat Party and MSM are praising the situation, acting like this is completely normal. Apparently they have no interest in finding out what changed. “Democracy” just means falling in line with a new X handle, with no questions or transparency about how this happened.