Tom McClintock Destroys Idiot CA Governor And His Ilk

Brilliant speech.

All of the “crawl into your rabbit hole and hide forever” dunces in Lampasas like Melissa Johnson, Chris McDaniel, Potato-Head Fitzharris, Bruce Haywood, Lee Morey, Lola Barnes, Julie Cain Landrum and Jennifer Moreno should listen and learn.

Every time we step outside our homes, the risks that we face multiply. A free society assumes that it’s citizens are competent to assess those risks, balance them against the avoidance costs, and to manage their decisions in a generally responsible way. It’s called common sense. And it’s a necessary prerequisite for self-government and liberty. The choices of an octogenarian with emphysema might be very different from those of a healthy governor of California. Only a fool would claim the omnipotence to make an informed judgement for every person in every circumstance in every community.

Transparency Is For Government…Privacy Is For Citizens.

I know it irks a lot of people that this blog is written anonymously. There is a reason for that. Those in power have a long history of going after those who disagree with them – sometimes violently.

Historian Gordon S. Wood described the 1775 pamphlet Common Sense as “the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era”.

Common Sense, arguably a founding document of this very country I love so much, was also written anonymously because Thomas Payne knew that Big Government has the power to ruin you and even kill you. It’s also the reason a LOT of people in this town privately agree with me, encourage me, and even point me in certain directions to look for graft and waste – yet they keep their mouths shut in public. They know it would take but a phone call for Finley or City Council or another City big wig to sic the Health Department on them…or cite some silly code enforcement…or make their lives miserable a dozen other ways.

The facts I state here (and CONSTANTLY link to) are no less true because they are written under a nom de plume. My opinions, when expressed and labeled as such, are also protected speech under the First Amendment….yet another cornerstone of this fine country.

I know that sticks in the craw of some people high up. I also know the first response of those in power when criticized is rarely “hmmm, perhaps he’s right – let’s reconsider our ways”. It is far more often “shut that guy up any way possible.”

It happens at all level of government – federal, state and yes, even our little local government here. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it happens every day.