The Democrats socialist scumbags had their little party last week. Every freeloader, grifter, goldbricker, layabout, deadbeat worm and commie scumbag in the great state of Texas was there to take pictures with each other…

Greg Casar and Comrade Clayton have one thing in common – a complete lack of any real jobs on their resume. Greg Casar has LITERALLY never worked a day in his life. At age 33, he will be heading to U.S. Congress to join other deadbeat morons like Sandy Cortez and Ilhan Omar as they glom together to try and form a commie critical mass to destroy this country for good.
I already knew Casar was a grifter, scumbag and all-around lazy asshole. What I didn’t know is that he was an honest-to-goodness midget as well. He makes the 5’5 Clayton look like Abe Lincoln in this picture. That is, if Abe Lincoln had a giant fupa and pubic hair on his chin.
The similarities end there, however. Casar has somehow weaseled his way into a paying position suckling at the taxpayer teat by winning two elections.
Comrade Clayton, on the other hand, is 0-5 in elections and appointments and still suckles at his mother’s titty in the upstairs bedroom in his parent’s house here in town – where he lives as an able-bodied 31-year-old with no real job.
We know he has no real job because (a) he has admitted to being a ‘virtual’ rancher already and (b) if he was a REAL rancher, he’s be losing his shit right about now with the drought, feed and diesel cost issues. Instead he is trying to rub elbows with successful grifters at a commie convention.

Oh wait, he DID win two “elections” – he ran unopposed for Chairman of the Lampasas Democrats and he also ran unopposed for SDEC-24 recently. Both of those positions actually COST him money to hold! Truly, a socialist in every possible way – he can’t even figure out how to GRIFT properly! Some people just suck at everything.
Luckily, he can live for free in mom’s upstairs bedroom while he cries about how expensive rent is:

You know, when I was in my 20s and broke, I didn’t get on social media and whine about how expensive shit was (we didn’t have social media anyways). I also didn’t crawl back into my mommy’s womb after having her pay $80,000 for a useless International Relations degree.
I did what a normal independent male does: find a place that was bigger and got three roommates. Then I worked three jobs so I could save enough money to get away from those fucking slobs who never washed a dish or took out the trash. Living with three fellow 23-year-old guys for a few years is a huge motivator to make bank and get your own place.
But in the year 2022, spoiled millennial socialist scumbags think they are entitled to a big apartment all to themselves. Plus high-speed internet that never goes down. Plus ‘free’ college as long as they live. Plus ‘free’ medical care. Instead of getting to work to EARN these things, they sit on Twitter and demand them.
Clayton and his generation are truly spoiled, helpless babies in every sense of the word. Clayton’s parents failed him very badly. They should be ashamed for creating such a worthless loser and foisting him upon the rest of us.
Watching these ass-clowns parade around like this reminds me of that old song “Today’s the Day the Teddy Bears Have Their Picnic”:
“For every scum that ever there was
Will gather there for a certain because,