Dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt Tries To School On “Basic Economics.” Instead, Looks Like Complete Ass Hat.

You remember Christine Seefeldt. The idiot Kraut who thinks Germany is awesome and America sucks. But she chooses to live here instead of over there among the third-world trash Germany has imported for the last couple decades.

You can see the stupid oozing out of her ears….

Economics genius.

Anyways, she thinks she’s an expert in “basic economics,” much like other dummy socialists who get it all wrong. I don’t know why she thinks she knows anything. I think her only claim to fame was spreading her legs for an American soldier about 30 years ago and getting a free ride to America as a wife. Other than that, she is a useless meat sock. But she has a solution for all the kids who borrowed hundreds of billions of tax dollars: just forgive it all!

The loans aren’t “forgiven,” you moron. They are transferred to the taxpayer to pay.

Oh! I see!

So all those students will be doctors and lawyers and medical professionals? They will make a TON of money and then pay lots of taxes? Is that about right? Am I getting your argument correct?

So if they are making so much fucking money, why can’t they pay back their loans?

You stupid, stupid woman. A big chunk of these kids blew that money on spring break trips, restaurants, bars and $2000 Apple laptops. Their ‘degree’ is in a variety of useless joke subjects like gender studies, feminist theory, art history and poli sci. Fuck them. Time to pay the fiddler.

Now, if you want to cut a check from your personal account to these morons, be my guest. But leave me out of it.

If a kid is really smart and talented, he will get an academic scholarship and go on to do great things. But college is a huge waste of time unless you’re going to be an engineer, medical doctor or study the hard sciences like chemistry or physics. Everything else is total bullshit and a waste of time and money.

I have three words for you, Seefeldt: lutsche meinen Schwanz!!!