Will S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Have To Return the $185,000 They Scammed From Taxpayers?

Several years ago, former Lampasas City council member “Greasy” Chris Harrison went to his former chums on City council to beg for $185,000 for his new employer (S2M2) and their Brodie Estates development.

I have covered this extensively HERE and HERE.

Council initially turned down S2M2, but then S2M2 made the wise move to hire former City council member “Greasy” Chris Harrison to go and do the begging instead. After Harrison was hired and went begging for a second time, former mayor Misti Talbert changed her tune quickly and handed over $185,000 to her former City council chum.

That was about 2.5 years ago.

In today’s Dispatch, we learned that Brodie Estates has only built 3 of the promised 22 homes and has had 6 permits issued.

So S2M2 has another 19 houses to complete in the next 18 months or so, or they are in violation of their agreement, from what I can see:

From the 12/27/19 Dispatch:

The city’s economic incentive package for this development requires S2M2 to complete the Brodie Estates subdivision within four years.

Considering the housing market is taking a giant shit right now and the Fed seems determined (correctly) to push the price of money (interest rates) back up to a more ‘normal’ level, it would seem that S2M2 might get caught with their dicks in a sling. Believe me, I would love nothing more than to see a scumbag developer go bankrupt. Especially one who scammed the taxpayers out of $185,000.

I guess the question is this: if we get to December 2023 and those houses are not complete (which I give an 80% chance of happening), does S2M2 give that $185,000 BACK to the taxpayer? And if not, what was the point of the agreement in the first place?

Also, according to the article, Northington Acres may include up to 177 home sites. Since TJ Moroe, Chuck Williamson and Misti Talbert handed Deorald Finney $72,000 in ‘free’ electrical hookups for HIS development (Stone Valley – 67 houses), then they must be ready to hand the Northington Acres guys $190,000 in ‘free’ hookups for THEIR development too, right?

I mean, according to Talbert Logic, “they will all buy electricity from us” after the hookup. Truly, hers is an amazing intellect.

Misti “The Great Negotiator” Talbert sure made a fantastic deal there! Maybe she can pay the money back to the taxpayers herself! After all, she is ALSO very skilled at begging for tax dollars.