Deluded LibKraut Christine Seefeldt Says There Is No Inflation…Then Blames Greedy Corporations.

When it comes to confused libtards who cannot make up their minds and contradict themselves repeatedly, only one person gives Bruce Haywood a run for his money…and that is America-hating German transplant Christine Seefeldt. As you can see, stupid oozes from her ears…

She assured us back in March there was NO inflation! It was all in your head and your inability to do basic math! Because Biden is awesome and he’d NEVER cause massive inflation with his moronic policies!

But even the dummykraut couldn’t ignore it forever. So five weeks later, she does what every libshit does when prices go up: blame “greedy corporations”!

I have to say. It IS quite interesting how every company on earth waited until January of 2021 to realize they could raise prices and express their greed simultaneously.

Hilariously, the very day Seefeldt posted this, Starbucks came out with earnings that were absolutely atrocious and the stock was smacked for a 16% loss. Weird! It’s almost like if you offer a shitty product at a high price, people just stop buying it! Which is why the FREE MARKET rules!

Here is a thought: if you are crying over the price of a $10 Starbucks coffee or a $1300 iPhone, then DON’T BUY IT! Moron. There are plenty of alternatives out there, thanks to the FREE MARKET.

But no, instead you have libshits like Seefeldt or Clayton Tucker sipping on a Starbucks, typing into her $1,300 iPhone and posting on Facebook – whose CEO is a scumbag in bed with Big Government and who is worth $162 billion dollars – about how greedy those very corporations are.

Then again, I don’t expect much from an old bat whose only smart move in her entire life was spreading her legs for an American soldier in Germany so she could hitch a free wife-ride to America – the greatest nation on earth.

Say that reminds me…let’s check in over in Germany and see how things are going with their plan to import millions of third-world scum. Seefeldt always brags about how great the Germans are for doing this. She never misses a chance to shit on America and tell us how awesome Germany is. Germany is SO awesome, that she chooses not to live there!

How are those 1.1 million dirtbags working out for you?

In typical German fashion, if you point this out, you get fined and/or arrested for “hate crimes” over there. Nobody Nazis like the Germans!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, frau Seefeldt: LUTSCHE MEIN SCHWANZ!!!

Foreign Migrants Account For Nearly 6 In 10 Violent Crime Suspects In Germany

Dummy Kraut Christine Seefeldt Tries To School On “Basic Economics.” Instead, Looks Like Complete Ass Hat.

You remember Christine Seefeldt. The idiot Kraut who thinks Germany is awesome and America sucks. But she chooses to live here instead of over there among the third-world trash Germany has imported for the last couple decades.

You can see the stupid oozing out of her ears….

Economics genius.

Anyways, she thinks she’s an expert in “basic economics,” much like other dummy socialists who get it all wrong. I don’t know why she thinks she knows anything. I think her only claim to fame was spreading her legs for an American soldier about 30 years ago and getting a free ride to America as a wife. Other than that, she is a useless meat sock. But she has a solution for all the kids who borrowed hundreds of billions of tax dollars: just forgive it all!

The loans aren’t “forgiven,” you moron. They are transferred to the taxpayer to pay.

Oh! I see!

So all those students will be doctors and lawyers and medical professionals? They will make a TON of money and then pay lots of taxes? Is that about right? Am I getting your argument correct?

So if they are making so much fucking money, why can’t they pay back their loans?

You stupid, stupid woman. A big chunk of these kids blew that money on spring break trips, restaurants, bars and $2000 Apple laptops. Their ‘degree’ is in a variety of useless joke subjects like gender studies, feminist theory, art history and poli sci. Fuck them. Time to pay the fiddler.

Now, if you want to cut a check from your personal account to these morons, be my guest. But leave me out of it.

If a kid is really smart and talented, he will get an academic scholarship and go on to do great things. But college is a huge waste of time unless you’re going to be an engineer, medical doctor or study the hard sciences like chemistry or physics. Everything else is total bullshit and a waste of time and money.

I have three words for you, Seefeldt: lutsche meinen Schwanz!!!

Scumbag Socialist Kraut Christine Seefeldt Visits German Concentration Camp. Manages to Shit On America.

Only a demented old bat like Christine Seefeldt could be standing in a German concentration camp where fellow GERMANS committed the worst atrocities in history (on an unarmed population, I might add) and make it all about how shitty America is.

Why are libshits SO obsessed with letting 5-year-olds read books about gay blowjobs? Because those are the only books being “banned”. You want to buy a book on blowjobs for your 5-year-old with your own money? Nobody is stopping you. Get on Amazon and shell out your $15. These “banned” books are actually age restrictions in PUBLIC schools run with TAXPAYER money.

Hell, I guess books were “banned” back in 1982 also because I found it impossible to buy a Penthouse at age 12. Those fascists at 7-Eleven refused to sell it to me – or even let me look at the cover! Can you believe it??? Probably Trump’s fault somehow back then, too.

LGBQTXYZ+++ aren’t being deprived of any “rights” at all. They are demanding special privileges and protections. If letting a grown man dress like a whore and grind his dick into the faces of little kids is “living their lives to the fullest,” then you bet we are against it.

Do I see parallels with Nazi Germany here now? You bet I do:

People in power wanting to have and take absolute power? Like Biden ignoring the separation of powers (“Hey, let’s use the 14th Amendment to get around the debt ceiling!”) and enacting socialist policies by decree like he was king?

Biden trying to outlaw gas-powered cars

Biden forces those with good credit scores to subsidize those with bad credit scores.

Or socialist scum like AOC (who took an oath to uphold the Constitution) ignoring one of the three branches of government?

It’s called “checks and balances” you donkey-faced bartender moron.

Like an FBI that is now exactly like the East German the Stasi for the democrats? An FBI and CIA that has interfered with elections repeatedly? An FBI that blocked all investigations into Clinton corruption and then say “oops, we lost all the evidence”?

An FBI that flat out REFUSES to hand over documents requested by Congress. the same Congress they are supposed to answer to?

An IRS that is weaponized and protects the family of the current dictator and ignores his blatant law breaking? Like that?

Kinda like that? Sounds almost Hitler-esque, I would say.

Like the dems who wanted to force everyone to get a useless and dangerous “vaccine”? Good thing we have our guns (unlike the jews in Germany) or they would have been forcing us into concentration camps, too.

Want more parallels?

Moron Marxist liberals like Christine Seefeldt, Joe Biden and the dems who want to disarm Americans just like Hitler disarmed the jews? Kind of like that?

There is a growing and evil presence in America trying to grab all the power it can over American’s lives…and it ain’t my side that’s doing all the bullshit.

Do me a favor and stay in Germany, you half-wit piece of shit. We don’t need you here in Texas.

P.S. – Oh yeah. I forgot. Isn’t Germany the country where they throw people in jail for political speech? Sounds like 1933 all over again.

Nothing says “democracy” like locking up people that speak out against govt policies.

America-Hating Kraut Christine Seefeldt Whines About Abortion – Which Is ALSO Illegal In Her Beloved Germany Under Most Circumstances

This chick just won’t stop! There may be no more retarded comparison to make than abortion and Viagra. So of course, she makes it.

Because improving blood flow to your cock is exactly the same as killing a baby, right?

How is abortion treated in Germany – the land of cheap Pringles and African immigrants who love to rape idiot liberal Germans?

Abortion is illegal under Section 218 of the German criminal code, and punishable by up to three years in prison (or up to five years for “reckless” abortions or those against the pregnant woman’s will). Section 218a of the German criminal code, called Exception to liability for abortion, makes an exception for abortions with counseling in the first trimester, and for medically necessary abortions and abortions due to unlawful sexual acts (such as sexual abuse of a minor or rape) thereafter.