Oh, did I type “cunt”? I meant “aunt” – my bad. Must have hit the wrong key.

Crazy Cunt Carol just called for Trump to be “excised from the world” – in other words, killed. She has also previously called for Tucker Carlson to be arrested because she doesn’t like his views.

She is a mentally ill, authoritarian nut job who ALSO wanted unvaccinated citizens to be jailed back during Covid.
This is how I KNOW deep in my bones that Trump is ahead now. Deranged, TDS twats like Carol Garner Doughty and Tina Seefeldt are now losing their shit DAILY with unhinged posts as we get closer to the election.
Look how many hoaxes and media lies crazy aunt cunt Carol has fallen for: she actually thinks January 6th was an insurrection! She actually thinks Trump was convicted of rape. She actually thinks six police officers were killed by a mob! She actually thinks Biden just has “slow reaction time” and is not a gibbering, drooling dementia patient.
This woman is a complete moron and menace. She is Exhibit A for low-information, propagandized dummy voters who should have never been given the vote in the first place.
Thank you 19th Amendment.
This completely deranged loon has a daughter who thinks she’s a man and a pussy unemployed son who is STILL in school at age 33 getting a PhD in something retarded like psychology. You can afford to be a bum at age 33 when your mom is married to a wallet. Just look at how Crazy Cunt Aunt Carol looks at her unemployed bum son with crazy eyes!!

She is all for open borders while she lives in her gated community that is 99% white.
You know what I hope? And I mean this with all my heart. I’m not going to take this statement down or apologize for saying this – ever. I mean, I am REALLY wanting this to happen to her: I hope Abbott ships a few thousand Haitians to Lenox Massachusetts. I hope they carjack Carol Doughty. I hope they stick a gun in her face, pistol whip her like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas, drag her out by her hair, and then run her over with her own Tesla. Then I hope they put it in reverse and do it again. Then I hope that Haitian in her Tesla drives to Ohio and Texas and does the EXACT same thing to her fucked-up, retard kids.

THAT is what she deserves for being complicit in the commie/illegal dirtbag takeover of this country.
Look at this soy boy dork:

He’s in his thirties, unemployed and begging for a joke job in “DEI consulting” – truly his mother’s son.
College, grad school, Phd…what are we looking at there, about $600,000 in tuition? All so he can go online and beg for a fucking joke job like “Diversity and Inclusion Consultant”? This guy is an even bigger pussy than Clayton Tucker. You just know that bitch Carol brags about all the letters after his name to her libtard friends – despite the fact he has never actually been gainfully employed.
“Hey everyone! I’m looking for a job that pays a ton of money, requires zero actual work, and allows me to completely fuck up the private sector by injecting woke bullshit into every single workplace interaction! Thanks!!”
I hope that when these insane Marxists get us into WWIII shortly, useless pussyfags like this are the first ones drafted and sent to the front lines to be machine gunned down. That would be awesome.